The tragedy of julius caeser awesome power point


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Political Assassination

Lincoln Kennedy

Elected in 1860 Elected in 1960

Concerned with civil rights

Concerned with civil rights

Lost a son while president

Lost a son while President

Lincoln Kennedy

His successor was a Democratic senator from the south named Andrew Johnson, born in 1808.

His successor was a Democratic senator from the South named Lyndon Johnson, born in 1908.

Lincoln’s Secretary, whose name was Kennedy, advised him not to go to the theatre.

Kennedy’s secretary, whose name was Lincoln, advised him not to go to Dallas.

He was shot in the back of the head in the presence of his wife.

He was shot in the back of the head in the presence of his wife.

Lincoln Kennedy

Assassin John Wilkes Booth was born in the South in 1839.

Assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was born in the south in 1939.

Booth shot Lincoln in a theatre and ran to a warehouse.

Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and ran to a theatre.

His assassin was shot before going to trial.

His assassin was shot before going to trial.

Shakespeare and The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

“Let me have men about me that are fat,

Sleek headed men, and such as sleep 0’nites;

Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;

He thinks too much; such men are dangerous”

-Julius Caesar

The Tragedy of Julius Caesarplay, in five acts, about several men trying to save the Roman Republic from Caesar’s ambition of having complete control.

Before Caesar, Rome was a Republic

= equal citizenship and people could elect tribunes to represent them in tribunals = like congress and the senate!

Julius Caesar in Context

Debuted at Globe Theatre in 1599

Wow! 1485-1625=Exciting Times!!!

Shakespeare lived and wrote in =Elizabethan Era

Elizabethan Era:

The height of the Renaissance under Queen Elizabeth



One of the hottest political issues in Elizabethan England was the role of the monarch and what loyalty should be owed him or her. Hmmm? Sound familiar?

During this time…Renaissance=rebirth=15th &16th century EuropeArt, scholarship, and literature flourished

Reformation-King Henry VIII (Elizabeth’s dad) split from Pope and Catholic Church and founded Protestant Church of England

Age of Exploration-The Americas and more

Age of Discovery-many scientific discoveries including telescope and planetary motion


tragedy: a play in which events turn out disastrously for the main character or characters

Tragic Hero a character whose basic goodness and superiority are marred by a tragic flawa fatal error in judgment that leads to the hero’s downfall. Brutus-is noble, but is a poor judge of character-too rigid in his ethical and political principlesCaesar-brings great things to Rome, but proud, arrogant, and ambitious

Dialogue Monologue

a conversation between characters.

a speech by one character in a play, story or poem. Given to another character.

Soliloquy Aside

a speech given by a character alone.

short speech delivered by an actor in a play, which expresses the character’s thoughts. Traditionally, the aside is directed to the audience and is presumed to be inaudible to the other actors.




Irony of Situation

04/14/2023 English 17

Verbal Irony

Author says one thing and means something else.

04/14/2023 English 18

Irony of Situation

When what is expected does not occur.

04/14/2023 English 19

Dramatic Irony

Audience knows something that a character in the literature does not know.

What type of Irony is it?

Antony says Brutus is “an honorable man”

What type of Irony is it?

The audience knows about the plot to assassinate Caesar, but Caesar does not.

We watch Caesar go out on the Ides of March with suspense.

Look for this :Assonance

Repetition of vowel sounds in words.

“Now this looks like a job for me

So everybody just follow meBecause we need a little

controversyBecause it feels so empty

without me.”

Look for this : Alliteration

Repetition of the same consonant sounds at the beginning of words.“ She sells sea shells by the sea shore.”

Look and listen for the poetic devices…

Alliteration-repetition of consonants, usually at the beginning of words.

Whereat with blade, with bloody, bladeful blade, He bravely broached his bloody boiling breast.” Quince-Midsummer

Assonance-repetition of vowel sounds

“What lusty trumpet thus doth summon us?”-King John

Consonance-repetition of consonant sounds

Flavius and Marullus =Tribunes/government workers.

Julius Caesar=Conquering Roman general, a mighty soldier swayed by superstition.


Conspirator\hates the ordinary citizenry yet is jealous when the people honor Caesar.

Calpurnia=Wife of CaesarMarcus Antonius/Mark Antony =Vows to avenge Caesar’s death.

Soothsayer=Fortune Teller

Cassius=Displays greed and envy and motivates most of the conspirators.

Marcus Brutus=Only conspirator whose motives to assassinate Caesar are pure.Cicero=A senatorCinna=A poet

Famous Quotes

Et tu, Brute?-Then Fall, Caesar.

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears:

Yet Brutus says, he was ambitious, And Brutus is an honorable man.

Beware the Ides of March

Dramatic TermsSoliloquy-a long speech expressing the thoughts of a character alone on stage.Monologue-a speech by one character in a play, story, or poem. Addressed to another character.Aside-short speech delivered by an actor in a play, which expresses the characters thoughts. Directed to the audience. Other characters cannot hear.

Three Ways to Persuade-According to our good friend, Aristotle.

Ethos (credibility)Pathos (emotion)Logos (Logic)


Appeal based on the character of the speaker. An ethos-driven document relies on the reputation of the author.

Why should I trust you as a speaker? What makes you such an expert?


Appeal based on emotion. Advertisements tend to be pathos-driven.

How are you going to make me emotionally involved? Humor? Sadness? Fear?


Appeal based on logic or reason.

Statistics, Cause and effect, examples, quotes from experts


Address readers' concerns, counterclaims, biases, and expectations.

What might the opposition say, and how do you plan to counter attack?

Restatement- Restatement-Rephrasing an idea in different words, in order to more fully explicate the concept, and magnify its importance to listeners.

Repetition- Repetition-the reuse of the same words, or nearly identical terms, repeatedly for emphasis, in order to emphasize their importance.

“ I have a Dream”-MLK

Parallelism The repeated use of phrases, clauses, or sentences that are similar in structure or meaning. Writers use this technique to emphasize important ideas, create rhythm, and make their writing more forceful and direct.

“ I came, I saw, I conquered.”

Rhetorical Question-a statement that is formulated as a question but that is not supposed to be answered.

. . . For if we lose the ability to perceive our faults, what is the good of living on? --Marcus Aurelius

J. Diction-word choice

Notice the change in tone:

“An odor filled the room.”

“A Stink filled the room.”

Diction: What words have a strong connotation (emotion)?

“our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne.”

What words have a strong connotation (emotion)?

“our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne.”
