Thesis statement


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How can you instill the value of long term critical (creative) thinking

to underprivileged teens?

Thesis 1 | Celeo Ramos | Prof. Tom Klinkowstein | Pratt Institute Fall ‘11

Photo by: Isabel Muñoz

Providing pragmatic tools for critical and creative thinking to underprivileged teens will help them value long term vision as well as experience the benefits of creative thinking through an interaction with Honduran cosmopolitans. In contrast to current programs that miss to exercise creative abilities. This hypothesis could open opportunities to offer the needs for autonomy, mastery and purpose that in so doing can disrupt the pattern of poverty that embraces Central American society.

Thesis 1 | Celeo Ramos | Prof. Tom Klinkowstein | Pratt Institute Fall ‘11

This thesis presents the hypothesis that…

Research Outline   I.  Problem:

• Poverty Patterns • Public Education System flaws • Leading creative minds/ artists in Honduras

  II. Hypothesis

• Renowned professionals of success- causes of success. • Existing creative coalitions (organizations focused in cultural development through creativity) • Conditions that help find a passion- (The Element – K. Robinson) • Importance of creative thinking (A whole New Mind – D. Pink)

III. Research

• Success Stories. German Apprenticeship program • On Motivation for the long term minds (DRiVE– D. Pink)

IV.  Synthesis V.  Conclusion

Thesis 1 | Celeo Ramos | Prof. Tom Klinkowstein | Pratt Institute Fall ‘11