This is European Social Innovation': Selected Projects




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Slide 1 The Young Foundation 2010

‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

This is European Social Innovation :A call for inspiring stories

- The 10 selected applications -

Slide 2 The Young Foundation 2010

‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

Purpose ‘This is European Social Innovation’ aims to identify 10 large scale European social innovation initiatives which have the greatest impact on society, particularly in the areas identified by the European Union as societies’ most crucial challenges: ageing, employment, climate change, social inclusion, economic recovery

ActorsThe European Commission supported the Social Innovation eXchange (SIX) and Euclid Network to identify 10 large-scale successful examples of socially innovative initiatives, with the aim of raising the profile of social innovation across Europe and creating an impact beyond the established social innovation community


1. Application: submission of applications from across Europe through a web-page linked to SIX’s and Euclid Network’s websites

2. Selection: selection of the 10 initiatives by a jury of experts3. Publication: publication of the selected initiatives by the European Commission (launch in an event in

Brussels)4. Workshop : participation of the selected initiatives in a “disruptive innovation workshop” organized by

the Social Innovation Park in Bilbao (as part of the prize)


• Alain Coheur, Social Economy Europe• Diogo Vasconcelos, SIX and CISCO• Ewa Konczal, Ashoka Poland • Geoff Mulgan, Young Foundation• Peter Dröll, European Commission• Rosa Gallego, Asociación Española de Fundaciones and DAFNE • Simona Paravani, HSBC Global Asset Management• Stephen Bubb, Social Investment Business and ACEVO

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

1. Social innovation impact: The competition aims to select the projects which have contributed with the most innovative approaches to current European social challenges - ageing, employment, climate change, social inclusion, economic recovery

2. Replication and large scale: Projects which have succeeded in scaling up and inspiring replication. Initiatives that have moved beyond direct impact to influence the way in which other groups and communities have approached the same challenges

3. Policy impact: Changes and influence in government policies, expanding the reach of their impact

4. Leadership Building: Projects that not only spread their own ideas, but also reinforce the building blocks of the social sector

5. Long term impact: This competition seeks out projects with a life-long commitment to their vision for the future

The Jury based its selection on 5 criteria:

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

“Aconchego Program”

Name: “Programa Aconchego”

Organisation: Porto Social Foundation

Country: Portugal

Main theme: Elderly and Housing

To read more click here


• This program has a social innovation impact connecting seniors with young people through a win-win relationship (housing and affective relationship)

• This project can be replicated by others communities and cities

“At the city there were two institution who were very busy trying to solve their own

problems, high number of elderly and isolated people and high number of students living

outside the city looking for cheap accommodation, respectively. These institutions found each

other and decided to join efforts to solve their problems through a partnership”

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

“Ageing Well: let’s add years to life and life to years”

Name: “Ageing Well: let’s add years to life and life to years”

Organisation: Siel Bleu

Country: France

Main theme: Elderly

To read more click here


• SIEL Bleu has a social innovation impact, supporting elderly people to maintain the ability to function independently and retain social connections

• The project was already replicated in Ireland and Belgium and aims to expand to all over Europe by building a network of physical activity stakeholders having access to SIEL Bleu’s preventive programs

“There is a wealth of evidence showing that physical activity can help reduce the risk of

diseases and injuries and that it is more cost effective than curative treatment. SIEL Bleu tries

to make stakeholders aware that there are no accidents: injuries and other diseases are

predictable and preventable”

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

“Connected care”

Name: “Connected care”

Organisation: Turning Point

Country: UK

Main theme: Health

To read more click here


• “Connected care” has a social innovation impact, effectively improving the quality of life of the communities where it operates

• It has a policy impact, working with local authorities in order to improve the public services

• Turning Point promotes leadership building, recruiting and training local people to work as Community Researchers

“The inverse care law states that the people who need social care support the most have the

most problems accessing it. We enable the community to tackle the root cause of poor

outcomes for service users”

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

“The Copenhagen City Honey Cooperative”

Name: “The Copenhagen City Honey Cooperative”

Organisation: København Byhonning Kooperation

Country: Denmark

Main theme: Unemployement and traditional jobs

To read more click here


• This project promotes leadership building, the cooperative is owned and run by beekeepers themselves

• We can predict that it will have a long term impact, developing the economy of the country and creating new jobs and training

“Humankinds best friend among the insects – the bee – is in decline across Europe. In fact,

bees can no longer survive without beekeepers. But traditional beekeepers are dying out. The

project brings bees back to the city, provides

concrete jobs in a reinvigorated traditional industry, and involves all Copenhageners in

creating a city that literally buzzes with life”

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

““The Digital Pioneers Fund & Academy”

Name: ““The Digital Pioneers Fund & Academy”

Organisation: Kennisland (Knowledgeland)

Country: Netherlands

Main theme: Technology and 3rd Sector

To read more click here


• ‘The Digital Pioneers’ promotes leadership building, empowering civil society organisations and ad-hoc groups of citizens trough training, digital and financial support

• This initiative has a long term impact since it supports different internet projects with social missions

“The Internet offers an enormous potential for empowering civil society organisations and ad-

hoc groups of citizens

interested in influencing and shaping the society around them”

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

“Dreams Academy”

Name: “Dreams Academy”

Organisation: 'Alternative Life Association'

Country: Turkey

Main theme: Disability

To read more click here


• It has a social innovation impact, promoting the social inclusion of disable people in a country where there is few support

• It is easily replicated, the project is a consequence of a series of successful projects to reduce the exclusion of disable people in Turkey

“In Turkey people with disabilities faced social, cultural and architectural barriers that made

them the invisible minority and kept them away from participation and inclusion in society.”

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications


Name: “Eltern-AG”

Organisation: Eltern-AG

Country: Germany

Main theme: Parenting

To read more click here


• Eltern-AG is easily replicated, it will be expanded to Austria and Switzerland

• The project promotes leadership building, it establishes self-help groups of parents whom support each others

• It has a long term impact on the lives of the children and parents, working through a preventive approach

“Kids from poor families had very little chance of making it to a high-school-diploma, let alone

a university degree. In a classroom of the small University of Magdeburg, a noble lecturer and

a group of inspired young students thought they should do something about this.”

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

“La Petite Reine”

Name: “La Petite Reine”

Organisation: La Petite Reine

Country: France

Main theme: Environment

To read more click here


• ‘La Petite Reine’ has a social innovation impact, offering an ecological daily service to companies

• The model of ‘La Petite Reine’ is easily replicated – they operate in 5 major French cities and in Geneva and they aim at developing a sustainable model throughout the France and in Europe

“Back in 2001, we created La Petite Reine because of a two-fold issue. Delivery in city centres

is neither efficient nor ecologic. Oversized delivery trucks are indeed to go through their

expedition tour several times a day, thus generating traffic jams and pollution”

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications

“Your identity - a chance for legal rights”

Name: “Your identity - a chance for legal rights”

Organisation: Vrancea County Council

Country: Romania

Main theme: Rights of minorities

To read more click here


• It has potential to have a policy impact, influencing the government policies in what concern to Roma community and migration

• It has a long term impact on the Roma lives, they become citizens with an ID

“Roma that never had civil status acts are in a most difficult situation, as the absence of these

documents leads to the impossibility of relating with the Romanian state authorities and also

excludes them from exercising the rights derived from citizenship”

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‘This is European Social Innovation’

This is European Social Innovation _ selected applications


Name: “Vitaever”

Organisation: Nethical Innovating Healthcare

Country: Italy

Main theme: Health assistance

To read more click here


• Vitaever has a considerable social innovation impact, improving the healthcare at patients home

• The project will be replicated - Nethical plans to bring Vitaever cost-saving model to under-developing countries for overcoming economical barriers to access healthcare top-technologies

“The wide technical background of Nethical and the solid medical expertise of ANT

Foundation have been mixed to develop Vitaever, a cutting edge mobile smart technology to

track, manage and optimize personnel, assets and goods of a

distributed healthcare service as well as of a traditional one-site hospital”