Timmy's Picturebook




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Pete the Space Trooper

By Timmy

There was once a sweaty space trooper named Pete, flying in his spaceship. He was headed to a galaxy called, “Stardonuts,” for some donuts. He was getting hungry.

But just then, his space ship ran out of fuel. “Oh no!” said Pete, looking at a large screen with the words “No fuel left!”

Pete was now very hungry, he had to eat something. The ship come to a full stop and he was in the middle of space.

But then, Pete did something really different. Pete started to eat his spaceship! He ate the tables, the chairs and eventually he ate the whole spaceship!

Now, Pete was all alone in space, he had no space donuts and no spaceship! At least he had a full stomach, full of metal.

Then, Pete saw a distant planet, he started making swimming motions to the planet and eventually he got close to it.

When Pete came close to the planet, he got sucked into it’s gravitational field!

Now to this day there is a Space Trooper named Pete orbiting around a planet, with a full stomach of metal and no space donuts.

The End!
