Tricks to Crack Coming OAS Exam Prelims


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Tricks to Crack Coming OAS Exam Prelims

The Odisha Public Service Commission has been conducting OAS exam exclusively for its state candidates.

The pattern of the examination is much similar to that of IAS exam.

It is a three-stage examination system. The candidates have to

:- Appear Prelims, :- Mains and finally,

:- The Interview round.

In Prelims, there are two subjects namely :- General Studies Paper-1 and

:- General Studies Paper-2.

The questions are of objective type. The first paper consists of 100 questions and the second 80. Each paper bears equal marks of 200.

The number of posts are not same every year. However, about 12-13 times the number of vacancies get selected for the next round.

It has been noticed that a single-digit per cent of candidates clear the OAS Prelims.

You have to focus on certain pattern to do well in the prelims thereby getting qualified for the Mains.

How to Prepare?

General Studies Paper-1 is most important now.

Aspirants should concentrate on specific topic and make sure that no question from this area would bounce over.

Avoid reading the entire books. Instead, they have to prepare a short description

on each topic.

They have to gather NCERT books and old questions for shaping the preparation.

Discussion is the best tool to master general knowledge.

Appear Mock Tests

It is unwise to be in the field straight without net practice.

The candidates should appear several mock tests earlier.

Such tests not only help them identify their mistakes but also boost their confidence level.

Search Right Study Materials

There are hundreds of publishers for such competitive examinations.

But, no one can deny the indispensability of hand written

study materials designed by competent tutors.

Publishers generally keep their content almost unchanged. But here the guides prepare notes according to the changing


Continue Preparation Habits

It is said that practice makes one perfect. With continued effort, you can conquer the world.

The wannabees should devote some time to their studies, which remains

unperturbed with any kind of adversaries.

Reading the same topic is quite boring; however, you will get new

information each time.

Reading the same topic is quite boring; however, you will get new information

each time.

If they are given proper guidance, the prelims will transpire into a cakewalk for them.

So, to accomplish the goal of becoming an OAS officer, the candidates should start their studies smartly.
