T.u1.p9 reflection pp


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Unit 1 ReflectionT.U1.P9


In this project you will..

First, answer reflection questions based on what you’ve experienced in this first quarter of Theater projects.

Your answers should be well thought out-- give small paragraphs (4 or more sentences!) to earn credit for your work.

Then, discuss what you’ve learned with other researchers.


What kinds of theater experiences did you have before starting this course? Did you take any classes, act in any plays, watch any performances? Explain.


In the first project, “First, an Introduction,” were you nervous to introduce yourself on camera to everyone? Why or why not? Do you think you would be nervous to do it again?


How do you feel about using iMovie? Was it difficult at first? Why or why not? Is it getting easier? Why or why not?


We use Edmodo a lot in this credit. Do you like seeing other researchers’ works? Why or why not?


How do you feel when you see other researchers’ work on Edmodo? Do you feel inspired, confused, appreciative, bored, or anything else?


What has been your favorite piece by another researcher so far? (You might need to go back to Edmodo and look at pieces you’ve commented on to answer this question, and that’s OK!)


How do you feel about your own work when you see what other researchers have done on Edmodo? Do you feel like you are on the same level as everyone, above, or below? Why?


What have these projects shown you about yourself? Are there areas you excel in, or things you need to work on? What are they?


Which project did you enjoy the most so far? Why?

Question 1:Which project has been the most challenging so far? Why? How did you overcome the challenges? If you had to do it again, what would you do differently?

Before you send this project to your mentor, use this checklist to make sure your project is ready:

Did you put your name on the first slide?

Did you complete each slide?

Did you save this project as T.U1.P9?

Have your mentor submit this Keynote to be evaluated for Theater.

