Twinny Cra Peñas Spain - 2nd Week


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2nd week

Twinny in CRA Peñas

Albacete, Spain

USA Day celebration

Twinny was with us celebrating this day.

We say goodbye to our dear friend

Twinny this way.

First of all, we devided our students

into groups of colour.

Twinny was in all of them.

• H

Here are yellow and green team

Each group was in a class

colouring the USA flag, the team

sign and practicing a song

All the students meet together in the

playground to present their signs.

The green and yellow team

introducing themselves

Here we are singing and


After that, we took a break

to have lunch

We finished the celebration

playing games in groups

Tug of war game

Egg on a spoon game

Dizzy bat game

Crab walk game

Ball in the air game

We all enjoyed this day

very much

Thank you, Twinny.

It was a pleasure to have you

in our school.