Twitter 101 longer version


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I use Twitter often and find it a

very useful tool.

I have a Twitter

account but don’t use it


I don’t currently

use Twitter but am open to learn.

Twitter is a waste of

time, but it would be

rude to leave now.

What is Twitter?

Twitter is considered a Microblogging service where users share with the world. Tweets can be up to 140 characters long. People can read the Tweets, respond, retweet, and add to the conversation.

Social Media Golden rules

Social Media Golden rules1. Remember, nothing is ever

“deleted” from the Internet.

Social Media Golden rules1. Remember, nothing is ever “deleted” from the

Internet.2.Speak as your brand, not as


Social Media Golden rules1. Remember, nothing is ever “deleted” from the

Internet.2.Speak as your brand, not as

yourself.a.No sex, drugs & rock-n-roll…

Social Media Golden rules1. Remember, nothing is ever “deleted” from the

Internet.2.Speak as your brand, not as

yourself.a.No sex, drugs & rock-n-roll… b.or religion…

Social Media Golden rules1. Remember, nothing is ever “deleted” from the

Internet.2.Speak as your brand, not as

yourself.a.No sex, drugs & rock-n-roll… b.or religion… c.or politics…

Social Media Golden rules1. Remember, nothing is ever “deleted” from the

Internet.2.Speak as your brand, not as

yourself.a.No sex, drugs & rock-n-roll… b.or religion… c.or politics… d.or breaking news…

Social Media Golden rules1. Remember, nothing is ever “deleted” from the

Internet.2.Speak as your brand, not as

yourself.a.No sex, drugs & rock-n-roll… b.or religion… c.or politics… d.or breaking news… e.unless it is brand relevant

Social Media Golden rules1. Remember, nothing is ever “deleted” from the


2. Speak as your brand, not as yourself.a. No sex, drugs & rock-n-roll… b. or religion… c. or politics… d. or breaking news… e. unless it is brand relevant

3. You are only as good as the company you keep. Watch who you follow.

Social Media Golden rules1. Remember, nothing is ever “deleted” from the


2. Speak as your brand, not as yourself.a. No sex, drugs & rock-n-roll… b. or religion… c. or politics… d. or breaking news… e. unless it is brand relevant

3. You are only as good as the company you keep. Watch who you follow.

4.Be worth following

Social Media Golden rules1. Remember, nothing is ever “deleted” from the


2. Speak as your brand, not as yourself.a. No sex, drugs & rock-n-roll… b. or religion… c. or politics… d. or breaking news… e. unless it is brand relevant

3. You are only as good as the company you keep. Watch who you follow.

4. Be worth following





#nailed it

#Don’t #go #crazy #with #the #hashtags.

#No #need #to #fill #up #140 #characters #with

#useless #hashtags.



TextFollow @usernameto40404

What if……every teacher or campus tweetedone thing a day that they did intheir classroom/school to aschool/district hashtag, and thenthey took five minutes out oftheir day to read each other’stweets?

What impact would that have on learning and

school culture?

