Two VS One Child Policy



Two and one child fertility policy

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Two vs One Child Policy

Guangzhou Prodigy Daily Production Co., Ltd.

China recently relaxed its tight birth control rules slightly, allowing couples to qualify for a second birth if one of the partners was an only


If China continues its One Child Policy in the decades to come, it will actually see its population decrease. China is expected to peak in population around 2030 with 1.46 billion people and then begin

falling to 1.3 billion by 2050.

ONE Child Policy Fact

If China continues its One Child Policy in the decades to come, it will actually see its population decrease. China is expected to peak in population around 2030 with 1.46 billion people and then begin falling to 1.3 billion by 2050. With the One Child Policy in place, China is expected to achieve zero population growth by 2025. By 2050, China's population growth rate will be -0.5%.

ONE Child Policy

If China continues its One Child Policy in the decades to come, it will actually see its population decrease. CChina recently

relaxed its tight birth control rules slightly, allowing couples to qualify for a second birth if one of the partners was an only child; previously, both had to be without siblings. The move

affects a relatively small proportion of families, but experts saw it as opening the door to further reform as the labour force

begins to shrink and China faces a rapidly ageing population.hina is expected to peak in population around 2030 with 1.46 billion people and then begin falling to 1.3 billion by


Why Two Child Policy Release ?

China's fertility rate is low. If the low fertility rate continues, it will decrease the working-age population and raise rapidly accelerated aging of population . Thus the two-child fertility policy now for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a single child family is conducive to long-term development.

Two Child Policy

The rapidly ageing population

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