Types of cultural studies


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Types of Cultural Studies

Hitesh Galthariya

Roll No :- 08 M.A. Sem :- 2 Year :- 2015-16

Paper :- 08 Cultural Studies

Submitted to :

Smt.S.B. Gardi

Department of English


• ‘ Culture is derives from Latin word ‘ cultura ’.

• to ‘ honour ’ and ‘ protect ’.

• Culture is a symbolic communication.

• Culture is the systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people.

• “ Culture is the learned behaviour of society or a subgroup.”

What is Culture ?

Types of culture

British cultural


New Historicism

American multi


Post modernism and popular


Post colonial studies

Types of Cultural Studies

• Cultural studies is referred to as “cultural materialism in Britain.

• Mathew Arnold redefine the givens of British culture.

• Edward Tylor argued that “Culture or civilization taken in its widest ethnographic sense is a complex whole which‘ includes knowledge ,belief, art, morals, Law custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”

British cultural materialism

• Cultural Materialism began in 1950s with the work of F.R.Leavisand heavily influenced by Matthew Arnold.

• Raymond Williams talks about attributes of working class and elite class.

• “ There are no masses ; there are only ways of seeing people as masses.”

New Historicism is a school of literary theory, first developed in 1980. The term ‘New historicism’ was created by the American critic Stephen greenbellts.

New Historicism is a literary theory based on the idea that literature should be studied and interpreted within the context of both the history of the author and the history of the critic.

New Historicism

• “ New historicism is that it is a method based on the parallel reading of literary and non-literary texts, usually of the same historical period ”.

• “ Text is historical and history is textual.”

Michael Wallner

• As a philosophy, multiculturalism began as part of the Pragmatism movement at the end of the 19th century in Europe and the United States. American multiculturalism was come into existence in 1964 with the passing Civil Right Act.

American multiculturalism

• “Every American should understand Mexico from the point of view of the observer of the conquest and of the history before the conquest……”

American multiculturalism

African American


Asian American


American Indian culture

Latin/o Writers

• The term “postmodernism” first entered the philosophical lexicon in 1979, with the publication of The Postmodern Condition by Jean-François Lyotard.

Post modernism and popular culture

• Popular culture is the entirely of ideas, perspective, attitudes, images and other Phenomena that are within the main stream of a given culture, especially western culture of the early to mid-20th century and the emerging global mainstream of the late 20th and early 21th century.

• There are four main types of popular culture studies analyses like:

Four types popular culture



Textual Analysis

Audience Analysis

Historical Analysis

• Post colonial theory is an academic discipline featuring methods of intellectual discourse that analyze, explain, and respond to the cultural legacies of colonialism and of imperialism.

Post colonial studies

• These Cultural Studies exists with particular ideas which shows particular cultural world. Sometimes popular culture can so overtake and repackage a literary work that it is impossible to read the original text without reference to the many layers of popular culture that have developed around it.

