Uhs byod parent info



A presentation organised for our Year 8 parents moving into post DER and BYOD.

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Leading BYO...T, B, D

Ulladulla High School BYO.. Journey“Beyond the Swell”

The future is not a place we are going. It is a place we are making. 

The paths to the future are made, not found. And the process of making them changes both

us and our final destination.

What is 21st Century Learning...preparing our students for a

future world.

21st Century Skills defined from the

Learning and Technology World

Forum 2010 (www.atc21s.org)  

• Ways of thinking. Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learning

• Ways of working. Communication and collaboration

• Tools for working. Information and communications technology (ICT) and information literacy

• Skills for living in the world. Citizenship, life and career, and personal and social responsibility

‘is... and always has been about the

quality learning and quality teaching!

What is BYOD?

Bring your own device, bring

your own technology,

bring your own browser.

Setting the Scene• Building a Culture of “give it a go”...

collaboration...twitter, FB, etc part of what we do.

• With a strong focus on “intellectual quality”.

• Ongoing communication of “normalizing” the digital. App of the week, Roll marking, Project based learning, every week PL brekkie with a techie (Bits and Bytes) with staff, paperless focus.

Term 4 BYO..TPolicy and Planning to be in place

Process• Technology Team- setting Policy/Planning

• Assistance from DET Support

• TSO- focus on building experience of devices that are working on our network.

• Newsletter focus on Discussion and articles with BYO..T.

• Parent and P & C consultation

• Student Consultation through SRC

Process Cont.

• Policy development based on DEC model. Student Policy use.

• Project Based Learning Project for Year 9

• Equity access process- We want your feedback on the 3 options.

• Suppliers in town with recommended devices that work on our system. Will be in place for Term 4.

Ulladulla High School community.

We seek your view, on BYOD.

We want our students to be world class learners Beyond the Swell....UHS!
