Unit 3 listening



life skills

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Unit 3: Communication and Conflict

Part 3: Listening

© Jenison International AcademyMelissa Rodgers


Listening is an integral part of communication. Without it,

communication cannot take place. As much focus needs to be placed on

listening as on speaking.

Guide to Being a Good Listener1. Be ready and willing to listen – clear your mind of

distractions and devote yourself to what is being said. Do not daydream or let your mind wander.

2. Act like a good listener – look directly at the speaker, lean forward, give the speaker your undivided attention.

3. Respond – nod, smile, or use other appropriate facial expressions to let the speaker know you understand the message. Ask questions when you do not understand or when you need further clarification.

Guide to Being a Good Listener

4. Concentrate on what the other person is saying - you cannot be a good listener if you are focusing on what you will say next, or getting your own point(s) across. Concentrate on the words, ideas, and feelings that the person is trying to convey to you.

5. Tune in to the non-verbal message - pay attention to tone of voice, body language, gestures, facial expressions and other non – verbal cues to help you understand the total message.

Guide to Being a Good Listener

6. Paraphrase for clarity – check to see that you have understood the speakers real meaning by restating what you heard in your own words. This gives the sender the chance to correct any misconceptions, but also gives them the sense that you really are listening and care about what is being said.

7. Keep an open mind – be receptive to what the speaker has to say, and do not allow personal attitudes to influence your interpretation of words. Wait until you have heard the whole message before forming a judgment on it.

“I know you believe you understand what you think

I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you hear is not what I meant”
