U.S. Government Information: Changes in 2009


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Kristina Bobekb343@georgetown.ed

uNovember 5, 2009

Keeping Up…Keeping Up…

New Government Documents web page New or updated research guides GEORGE catalog changes CD-Roms: weeding, location, circulation LexisNexis Congressional: new resources HeinOnline: new resources FBIS database GPO’s Fdsys: expanded collections

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to

change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr


Home > Resources by Subject > Government, Law, Politics, & International Affairs◦ Criminal Justice◦ Declassified Documents◦ Elections◦ Federal Regulation◦ Government & Politics◦ Law◦ Legislation (updated in 2009)◦ PresidencyTip: check Legislation guide for our access to Bills,

Hearings, Laws and Statutes

Change for congressional publications: location not limited to LAU Gov Docs Stx

One document, multiple locations Drawback: if you limit your search to ‘LAU

Gov Docs Dept’ in GEORGE you could miss many newer government documents

Tip: don’t limit your location! Search on keywords or subject headings so that you don’t miss relevant results OR for expert searchers, browse or search by SuDoc #

Same publications,different locations

Same publication, but 3 entries and available in 3 formats

In Gov Docs Stacks:CR 1.2: R 27/4

In Reserves:CR 1.2: R 27/4/CD


Pre-2009: CD-Roms housed in locked cabinets in Government Documents area

Now: CD-Roms housed in cabinets in Access Services

Location: LAU GovDocs CD to LAU Reserves Call Number: SuDoc Loan Period: 3 days Tip: think of this collection when students or

faculty ask about data sets

Chucho salva el diaAn environmentally friendly dog

that speaks Spanish

(Not available online)

283,529 MARC records loaded into GEORGE from the LexisNexis Congressional Serial Set

Documents from 1789-1969 Included with our LN subscription Annual reports, House and Senate

documents and reports, more here… Load is almost complete Tip: search on a keyword combined with

‘serial set’, limit to E-BOOKS material type

Full text documents from the Serial Set for those decades now available

Tip: go to the ‘Search By Number’ tab for Senate Documents, Treaty Documents, Reports, Executive Reports, and House Documents and Reports, i.e. ◦ H.doc.96-369, S.Rpt. 96-926, H.Rpt. 96-857

Congressional Record – full text

LexisNexis Congressional database

And find is so much better than search…

MARC records are being loaded for the Digital Hearings Collection

Like the Congressional Serial Set, MARC records are included with our LN subscription

Link to full text of hearing As with other subscription-based sources,

will require authentication from off-campus from to view

Code of Federal Regulations 1938-2009 Federal Register 1936-2009 (includes U.S.

Government Manual, 1935-2009) Foreign Relations of the United States

(FRUS) 1861-1976 Dept. of State Bulletin (1939-1989, Dispatch

(1990-1999) U.S. Federal Agency Library U.S. Presidential Library U.S. Statutes at Large 1789-2006 Tip: now search by Public Law number!

Taxation & Economic Reform in America: A Historical Archive, 1781-2009

“search across tax regulations, laws, and hundreds of legislative histories dating back to the late 1700s! With this new collection, you will have access to more than 900 volumes and 900,000 pages of legislative history material”

Collection is not static: will be updated with new publications

RefWorks compatible, but ONLY for law review journal citations

MyHein allows saved data like searches and bookmarks

Legislative history of the ‘Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008’(6 volumes)

Government publication: translations (into English) of foreign news coverage

Search by document type (excerpts, speeches, interviews)

Search by geographic region or browse events

Tip: look in this database for international views of political events, i.e., the international news coverage of the Lockerbie Bombing, Pan Am flight 103

Tip: try variant spellings of names

And finally…

A free, centralized source you can trust for government information…


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