Vocabulary 9 pp


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Globalization is the process of organizing or establishing something worldwide. I chose this picture for Globalization because it shows two children uniting their hands which are painted like a globe to signify something that encompasses the whole world.


I chose this picture because Detrimental means something that causes harm or injury. Something as heavy as a piano falling on you will definitely harm you.


I chose to use this picture for propose because people who work for big companies often give proposals to their bosses about deals. But this picture also shows another way a proposal is done when a person proposes that they will spend the rest of their life with another person; and in this picture it illustrates this in a humorous manner.



Lately in Bangkok people who call themselves the red shirts have been demonstrating and have been clearly an opposition against the current government.



I have chosen this picture for the word imperative because this king is saying “Do Your Homework!” and usually whatever a king says has to be done or followed.



This picture conveys refute for me because here the people in the photo are saying their varying personal opinions on the same subject which they firmly believe in and obviously trying to disregard the other persons point of view.



This picture demonstrates Generalization for me because the Indians are making a generalization about immigrants saying that none of them learn the language or assimilate into the culture. Obviously, this is, not true because a lot of immigrants integrate very well into new cultures.


Ambiguous This picture represents

ambiguous for me because depending on how you look at this picture you will either see an old woman or a young one; there are two possible interpretations of the same picture.


Assert This picture ( a scene

from ...and Justice For All staring Al Pacino) conveys the image of assert for me because In this scene of the movie Al Pacino asserts the point that his client is guilty and that the whole trial is out of order because they are not doing their duty which is to punish the guilty.



These pictures represent the word argument for me because all super heroes sometimes hesitate to be with the people they love because they believe their enemies will come after them. The superheroes always argue with their loved ones whether they will follow their heart and not care about the world or continue saving the world which puts their loved ones in danger.


