Week 3 september 13



TAMUC Art History Survey 1303.003 Holly Stevens Wathena Temple

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Week Three, Monday

September 13, 2010

Woodhenge, aerial photograph

Durrington Walls (blue dots) in 2007, looking north. Red boxes highlight excavations. Most of the houses were found beyond the east entrance (far right). Stumps at Woodhenge (foreground) mark postholes found in the 1920s; five stoneholes are now known to lie within the shaded area reexcavated in 2006.Image © Aerial-Cam/SRP 2007. Image used with permission and adapted by Mike Pitts.


Explanation of other sites around


Stonehenge Rough Dates

• Phase I 3000 – 2900 bc Ditch; bones transferred, Aubrey holes for posts

• Phase II 2900 – 2500 bc wood structure; Aubrey holes used for burials of 200 ppl

• Phase III 2500 – 1600 bc 80 bluestones; sarsens brought in; bluestones rearranged several times; heel stone added



Kenmare stone circle

Akkadian, Assyrian, Egyptian

Chapter 3 – if you haven’t read it yet, now is your chance before the

quiz on Wednesday

Sargon (Akkadian) took over the Sumerians

His grandson was NaramSin who commissioned this stele about 2200 bc. It is almost 7 feet tall.

Ashurbanipal Lion Hunt


Ashurbanipal (Ashur creates a son). King of Assyria. He was grandson of the famous Sennacherib and son of Esarhaddon. Ashurbanipal, or, as he was known to the Greeks, Sardanapalus, reigned from 668 to 626 B.C. He is best known for amassing a library of literary texts including an epic of creation, the Flood and others. Modern scholars have reason to be grateful to Ashurbanipal because he was a lover of learning and collected a great library of cuneiform clay tablets (over 22,000 in number) that have given to us most of what we know of Babylonian and Assyrian literature. http://home.netcom.com/~aldawood/ashur.htm

The "great and honorable Ashurbanipal" (Ezra 4:10), soldier, hunter scholar, shown carrying a basket for the rebuilding of a temple in Babylon. The relief if from the north palace of Ashurbanipal (668-633 B.C.) at Nineveh.


• Old Kingdom

Egyptian Culture 3100 bce - 1300 bce


Palette of Narmer, 3100 bce

The time period when the pyramids at Giza were built is known as the:

Old Kingdom

2700 – 2100 bce

Results of natural mummification

Canopic Jars at the DIA

Lungs - BaboonStomach - Dog

Liver – human

Intestines –

