Week 5 sept 29 and oct 4



TAMUC 1303.003 Wathena Temple Holly Stevens

Citation preview


Gymnasium Sanctuary of Zeus

Competition fieldTemple of Hera Treasuries


No holds barred fighting – introduced into the Olympics in 648 bc

Theatre of Dionysus


Panathenaic Way to Acropolis

Reading: Chapter 5 (Ancient Greece) through page 120

• Quiz on Wednesday covering last two lectures, readings through page 120

• Concentrate on the buildings of the Acropolis, Greek culture, Lost Wax Technique (page 108) and sculptural proportions (page 110)

• Slides from Wednesday and today will go up as one presentation this afternoon and I will email the link

• Last quiz results:• 11 point Gold Star to: Michelle!• 10 point Silver Stars to: Brandon, Will, Robert, Megan,

Chaz, Jim, Carol, Tyia!

The Acropolis

• Athens, Greece

• “Acropolis” is a generic term which means city in the sky

• Buildings on the Acropolis that we are going to be covering: Propylaia, Temple of Athena Nike, Parthenon, Erechtheion

• Begun at the instigation of Pericles who wanted to reconstruct the buildings

Abbreviated history of wars involving Greek city/states

• Battles against the Persians – First victory is against the Persians at Marathon in 490 bce. Athens wins almost single handedly because the Spartans got there too late.

• Athens discovers a silver mine shortly thereafter and puts the money in to an amazing fleet of ships (Athens becomes a super power)

• Persians are not happy about the Athenian victory and burn the buildings on the Acropolis in 480 bce.

• 461 bce Pericles in charge – forms an alliance with Sparta’s enemies – Sparta is in allegiance with the Peloponnesians – lots of fighting

• Pericles institutes a 30 year peace pact with the Spartans in 445 bce (this actually only lasts 14 years)

• Athens is rolling in tribute money – people paying the taxes are upset, Sparta is very jealous

• Until 404 bce when Sparta invades Athens, this is the golden years of Classical Greek civilization lasting from approximately 462 bce until 404 bce

• This is the period of the building of the Acropolis, Democracy, non-compelled military service, Athenian power over the League, theatre as we know it, etc.



Temple of Athena Nike, Ionic, private citizen donation, architect: Kallikrates

Frieze – many scenes of Nike as Victory or paying tribute

One of the last buildings to be built on the Acropolis – 427 – 424 bce (the Erechtheion was the very last building)

Propylaia, Doric, grand entryway into the temples of the Acropolis, 437 – 432 bce, Architect: Mnesicles

Parthenon, Doric outside, Ionic inside, 448 – 437 bce. Architects: Iktinos and Kallikrates

Parthenon reconstruction in Nashville!

Battle of Greeks and Amazons on her shield

Colossal sculpture of Zeus, also by Phidias

In 1697 the Turks used the Parthenon as a gun powder storage unit

Metopes TriglyphsPediment

Subject matter of the metopes

• West side: Greeks vs. Amazons

• North side: Greeks vs. Trojans

• East side: Gods vs. Giants

• South side: Centaurs vs. Lapiths

