What is Dramatization


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The Word ‘Drama’ means ‘to act or to do’.In Dramatizing an Individual

attempts to act or do,as somebody else has acted or is expected to act,at a certain

time,in a certain place and situation

In history Dramatization means the reconstructing of an experience in the

past which is of historical significance.It is the attempt to transcend the barrier of time

and place and relive the experiences concerned.

History is the record of past events and experiences.It is not only with meterial

objects which could be modelled but also with events,experiences,human sentiments

and ideas which have no meterial form at all.Thease happening have been preserved

through verbal symbols only.

It is not possible to translate them into audio aids. Besides since the historical

events are not isolated events,but are inter connected sequence of events and

experiences,it is impossible to represent these happening with the help of models or

puppets.there for the effective teaching of history,dramatization has been accepted as

the most effective method.

In Dramatization , Childrens plays the roles of the personalities in

history.When a child plays the role of Ashoka,he has to feel like the

character and to a degree he must have become the character.

Other Persons feel the character is a real ashoka.Thus,the

dramatization is the only way of making historical exeriences real.This is

the only way of learning by doing in history.

By playing the roles of different historical characters,the students-

assimilate the essential facts of history. Thus it serves as purpose of a good

memory device.

Children who do not directly participate in dramatization but only

witness it ,also develop an emotional attachment towards the character.

Dramatization provides a opportunity for imparting historical

informations in an emotional situation.

Types of Dramatization

Dramatization is of two types:

1. Extempore Dramatization:Instruction without prior preparations,is imparted to the children in the class through this method.This process develops the power of thinking and imagination of the pupils.

2. Prepared Dramatization:In this type of dramatization preparations is made beforehand.students memorize dialogues and act according to instruction.it helps the students to learn the art of preparations of dialogue and to acquire the habbit learning.they can also memorize things.


A. Full-length play: A full length play is vivid and realistic in nature.it give a full

representation of a whole scheme to be presented in the classroom.the whole idea of the

topic,the emotional situation,happenings,etc,can be presented to the students in natural way.

It takes hours to perform.for its success a proffessional standard is required.Detailed

preparations and rehersal is very much essential in a full length play.

B. Class Dramatisation:A good history teacher can undertake certain informal dramatizations

inside the classroom in order to make his teaching effective and natural.He may dramatize

only a part of a lesson.

Preparation:While preparing a lesson on budhism the teacher may make

some provisions for dramatizing the caste restrictions and the bloody

sacrifices that were prevalent among the Brahminical hindus during pre-

Budhist era.he may also plan the good episodes to be dramatised in the

class room.

Presentation:A teacher may present a lesson on Buddhism by asking one

student to play the role of buddha and the other students to come in

batches to receive the sermons from Buddha.

Application:The application of lesson on Muhammed Thuhluk can be

dramatised with a scene were Muhammed Thughluk fails to control the

rebbellion in the provinces.

An Application of a lesson on the parliament of India can be

dramatised bu enacting a mock parliament

C. Tableau:It is even a more effective device for representing emotional

theme is tableau.It is a picture like scene of human characters presented

against the backgroud of their action.

D.Pegeant:It is another form of dramatization.It helps to depict an idea by arranging an

spectacle .The great emporers in india,the great social and religious reformers may appear in a line

each with his distinctive dress.

E.Shadow play: Shadow play is devoid of speech, like the tableau. in this technique of

dramatization ,a screen is placed between the actors and audience. In order to reflect an shadow of

the actors on screen, a light is kept at their back.The audience see only the shadow ,not the actors.

F. Puppet show:Puppet show is another technique of Dramatization.The teacher can take the

help of several kinds of puppets and dramatize the topic he desires to teach.he can use hand

puppets,fingers puppets,shadow puppets,etc.


Through Dramatization, we can develop the creative instincts of the children.

It helps in Proper utilization of knowledge and activities of the children.

It provides a change to the students from the formal and rigid atmosphere of class room and reading of books.

It is psychological to help in developing the power of the learning of the students.

It provides them an opportunity to acquire knowledge through activity.

It has to develop the power of self creativeness and activity.

It also help them to develop the power of sympathy and imagination. Power of observation also develop through this method.

It provides education along with precaution.

The student develop the art of speaking while developing self confidence and

the power of understanding.

It also develops in the students the power of appreciation and aesthetic sence.

In the lower classes,it is easy to teach the history to students through this

method in an effective manner.


Lack of Knowledge in the art of Dramatizaion:Dramatization requires

some technical knowledge.Every teacher does not process it.

Apprehension of indiscipline:While dramatization is going on,it is not

possible for the teacher to maintain the rigid discipline in the classroom.

Economic factor:Implimentation of the technique of dramatization requires

money.several institutions are not rich enough to provide so much of money for the

teaching of the one subject.

Difficult Enacting: Certain events of history are difficult to enact.it is difficult to

enact successfully the scene of war.

Problem of Dialogue:In employing this technique,it is necessary to have good

dialogues. Writing of good dialogue requires aptitude as well as time.it is not

possible for every teacher of history to do it successfully.


No one can deny that the Dramatic instinct is a very dominant one in the

mental make up of the child.Hence all children like acting,whether they are born

actors or not.Dramatization is full of education,potentialities.it presents an

emotional situation which is necessary for effective learning.Dramatization

provides an excellent opportunity for group work and social participation and

many practical works in history can be correlated it.

It provides stable knowledge,and students learn by doing and so their

experiences are strenghtened.

