What You Should Not Do When Studying


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What You Should Not Do When Studying

If that red mark on the top of your test paper has a face, it would probably

wear a mocking smirk intended for you or for those around you. This

depends whether you got an excellent remark or a


Now, if you got the latter then maybe

something is wrong with your study habits?

Here are some things you need to stop

doing when you’re studying.

Listening to your favorite songs

Though this may depend upon the person,

most of the people don’t notice how

distracted they can be when they’re trying to

study while listening to the soundtrack of

their life.

The situation will be...

You know the lyrics of

the song. After a few

seconds of nodding

your head to the tune,

you are now singing

with all your heart.

You feel happy after finishing the whole

playlist, knowing that you still memorize all

the lyrics. But did you understand what you

are reviewing? Hey, did you even get to

read the lessons?

Eating too much

Having a snack is perfectly okay. It is even

recommended to take a break after long

hours of pouring into your books.

But to eat continuously while studying may

only distract you and make you feel sleepy,

especially if you eat heavy meals.

Another thing is that when you condition

your mind that you can’t study without

eating anything.

Chances are, you’ll end up waiting for your

food delivery before you study. The clock is

ticking, buddy.

Watching videos

We’ve all been there. “Just one

episode.” We would say. Lo and behold! We

have finished watching the whole series of

our favorite drama.

If not, we’ll be fretting on what’s gonna happen

next (Is my favorite character going to die?)

Random funny videos are not really going to

help too.

You will end up watching one video after

another, why not? It’s funny. You can’t get

enough of it. And then, “Hey! I’ll share this to

my bro!” Which can be related to the next...

Having your friends around

You invited all your friends for a “group

study.” Well, as what they always say, two

heads are better than one!

You can throw questions to one another

while studying (which may eventually lead to

throwing pillows/snacks).

You can exchange opinions on what you

have understood about the lesson (or you

may also exchange opinion about the

guy/girl from another class).

Engaging in social media

Just stay away from the internet.

With its endless capabilities, the

distractions are also bound to be infinite.

Don’t tell everybody that you are studying in a status update, tweet, post, or whatever. Your friends will respond to your post and

you will end up having a conversation.

Or you may unconsciously browse through

the news feed/dashboard and without

knowing it, hours have passed already.

Though the aforementioned things may or

may not apply to an individual, having the

right mindset and discipline is the key to

study right. Whether you are studying in a

private school or government-owned or

even one of theinternational schools in the

Philippines, all students have the

responsibility to study smartly for them to

learn the lessons they needed.
