Why I feel I can be an antonomous learner?


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Karlabett Yesioui Viveros Huerta

Licenciatura Abierta en la Enseñanza de Lenguas-Inglés

”Why I feel I can be an autonomous learner”


It is the ability of humans to gain new knowledge and let it registered in our memory, and then form a

mental database.

Information on Conventional Education

In a process of "formal education" we are told to gain information and evaluated around the processing of this information, nodding

at hand all this information is of importance.

The self-education or self-study

The process of incorporating new knowledge, where self selected information and likewise evaluated by practices or experiments.

Self-learning is part of human instinct, this begins to develop at an early age through play, which has the primary function of

discovering and learning new skills or improve them.

Self-learning allows you to have freedom and gain the knowledge that really interest you to know, also the

support of consultants provide an efficient performance.


Student self means to be master of oneself. In the self-taught student initiative, perseverance and organization become

essential qualities, for only thus self-study will be carried out effectively. A good self-taught student never satisfied with what you know, always have

this need to teach himself investigating. In autodidactismo is important to score real goals, both general and partial.

”Why I feel I can be an autonomous learner”

I have developed some of the advantages and benefits of self-methodology as:

• I propose me problems and evaluate them.

• • I have learn to research and innovate myself.

• • I have learned the difference between main ideas

and complementary studied.

• I have developed a sense of responsibility, curiosity and self-discipline. • I am used to not strictly follow the rhythm of a group, this allows me more time to the areas that hinder meand interest me more.

• When I face the challenge of selecting information based on my goals I

have the ability to learn without depending on others.

Then I evaluate the ability to produce new support material, I investigate and I have the creativity to propose options to solve

different problems each time.

• I know that my future development is based not in absorb as much information as I can, if not in develop my understanding to know how and where I must access this one.


• Manrique Villavicencio, L (2004). El aprendizaje autónomo en la educación a distancia. LatinEduca2004.com Primer Congreso Virtual Latinoamericano de Educación a Distancia - Perú. 23 marzo - 4 abril 2004.Consultado el 23 de marzo de 2014 de: http://www.ateneonline.net/datos/55_03_Manrique_Lileya.pdf 

• Sebastián, A., Ballesteros, B y Sánchez G. M. F. (s/f) Técnicas de estudio. Centro De Orientación, Información y Empleo (COIE). Universidad Nacional De Educación A Distancia.Consultado el 11 de marzo de 2014 de: http://coie.uned.es/3489
