Wikis blog web publishing pp


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Wikis, Blogs, and Web PublishingMy experience


What I hoped to gain from this course

As students lives become more centered around the internet and social media, I thought this class might be a good way to learn about some online tools. While viewing and using those tools, I thought I might get some idea for applications in the classroom.

WikispacesI found Wikispaces to be the most useful tool for a few reason.

1. Allows for an organized space of information and documents needed for any class at any grade level

2. Provides a way for parents, students, and teachers to communicate quicker and on their own schedules

3. Creates a place students and parents will be more likely to check due to the increasing amount of time people spend on computers

Wiki Example

Helpful Tool #1 - Netvibes

Created a website to make finding current events easier for myself and students

Helpful Tool #2 - Kidblog

Created a blog for students to share their assignments with parents

Helpful Tool #3 - Glogster

Created a glog template for students to edit or create one of their own

Reflection on ClassSUCCESSES

Found new tools to use in the classroom

Being exposed to an vast amount of resources that can be used to inspire new lessons

Finding new ways to open up communication with parents


Security involved with using the internet and encouraging students to do so

Some links did not work, which happens with online classrooms

Moodle and Online Learning

I actually use Moodle on a daily basis as a cyber school teacher, so using it was not a big adjustment for me. But, I can see the opening stages of using it, just like using new tools, being tough and frustrating. Collaboration is key when it comes to knowing and understanding the functions of Moodle, as a student or teacher.

I think that online learning is just as effective as in person learning if the student is motivated and proper tools, like the ones in this class, are utilized. It helps people continue their education, while adjusting assignments to their schedules.
