WJEC ML30 wjec exam mock exam lesson


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Entrance Activity3 minutes

YOU MUST write down as much as you can about the word that appears on board.

YOU SHOULD include EVIDENCE from the film(s) to support your understanding.

Extension – YOU COULD state the connotations behind this example.




Title:WJEC Exam Topics -

Mock Exam

Friday 20th March 2015

FM2 – British and American Film (60%) of AS Level)

Section B – British Film topics Identity Study –

‘In the Name of the Father’ and ‘Hunger’


Aims & Objectives

• YOU WILL re-cap prior learning.

• Consolidate the Unit Learning journey undertaken in a Mock Exam Today!

• Review what you have undertaken with a KWL Task


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of film as an audio-visual form of creative expression together and

AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding, including some of the common critical approaches that characterise the subject, when exploring and analysing films.


Mark Scheme

• Excellent Knowledge – Institutional information, Character (Actor names), Key Scenes that are accurate (relevant) to the Question.

• Specialist language = Micro Features, Terminology associated to the Texts being studied – for example ‘The Troubles’.

• Narrative and Representation – Narrative Theory – Hallam & Marshment (2000); Syd Field; Vladimir Propp; Todorov; Stereotypes/Anti-stereotypes.

10 minutes

• Complete some independent revision from the handouts completed last lesson

• Look over your exercise books and/or the Section B Pages for assistance.

MAIN TASK50 Minutes – 150 minutes in length – 50 minutes per. Section – 3 in total

YOU MUST answer the Question in the Answer Booklet provided in SILENCE.

•You are NOT allowed to use any resources

•Read the Questions carefully and ensure you have references BOTH films in your answer.

•Megan, Ben and Tom – You have 62 ½ minutes to complete the Question.

What have you learnt?

YOU MUST write on a your mini-white board what you KNOW, WANT to know and have LEARNT today.

KWL Task


Revise for the upcoming Mock Exam

Due: Next Lesson – Monday 23rd March

• Purchase this study guide

• Look over the handout you have been given today.

• Research both case studies – 1 Page per. Film
