Writing your life journaling and journal making


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One bit at a time

Practice in writing

Something you do for your Mother

Something you brag about

Something you leave lying around

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are needed to see this picture.

A place to go

Something you do for yourself

There aren’t a lot of rules to journaling

No right way versus a wrong way

But people have written books on the subject, so what are they saying?

Creating an awareness of your feelings, ideas and thoughts.

A process for making decisions

A way to remember the details of your life

Different people like different tools

Different pens

Different books

No shoulds

No rules

No have-to’s

I had always loved writing, even doodling. Notebooks and pens made me happy. But it wasn’t until I took her class that I came to understand journaling was a “real thing”.

I learned I wasn’t weird or out in left-field somewhere because I liked to write for pleasure and not just always “stories”.

To validate means to prove well to justify to make relevant or meaningful

It is life-giving

Lists Pictures Charts or diagrams Dialogues Letters Portraits Different Points of View Poetry

I remember when… I can’t forget… I used to love… I wonder why… I loved seeing… I am sad thinking about… I was so happy… When I have time… When I grow up…

Favorite passages, phrases, or words

Quotations of others

What are they saying to you? Why do you like them?

I hear and I forget;

I see and I remember;

I write and I understand.

I invite you to find a place to go with all your emotions, questions, and ideas.

I invite you to write about the bad days till you can see where the trouble began.

I invite you to write when you feel “out of it” and are in confusion.

I invite you to write when paper can hardly contain your joy.

I invite you to write to discover more about yourself!

Using a composition book
