Year 7 Beowulf - How to tell a story


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Starter- Do you know any oral

stories? (i.e. Jack and the Beanstalk)

The story of Beowulf

Keywords: Story (noun)an account of imaginary or real people and events

told for a reason Oral stories- told by word of mouth

LO: Understanding how we tell stories and why we tell stories

As you watch the clip, practise note taking as a class using the questions on the handout.

•The story of ‘Beowulf’ originated from oral poetry and story telling.

•The stories were often about warriors and adventurers.

•Anglo Saxons would commonly play music as they told their stories to others in big halls

Think back to the starter, when you were asked to tell a story and what you learned last unit (Todorov)

What do you have to do in order to be a good storyteller?

Let’s create a success criteria as a class

Todorov Narrative Structure

Can you make up your own story with the three nouns?Use our success criteria!

In pairs, you are going to re-read pages

2-9 of the Beowulf story.

You need to correctly place the cards in

the order of the story.

The pair that gets the most answers right

wins a raffle ticket!

Retell the opening 9 pages of ‘Beowulf’

•Draw: You can either storyboard what happens •in 6 images (individually)

•Act: Create 6 freeze frames with a narrator retelling the story (in groups of 4)

Share in pairs

Peer mark using the success criteria below: WWW: You have a clear beginningEBI: You needed to explain what happened to Beowulf at the end

You have a clear plot-line You have a beginning, middle and end You explain what happens in chronological order You use dialogue to help build a sense of the character in the storyYou explain where the story takes place

Which story tellers were the best?Why?