Cloud Encryption


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Rituparna Nag

Monolithic Client-Server Web SOA Cloud Services

1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2009+

5th Generation of Computing

Common implies multi-tenancy, not single or isolated tenancy Location-independentOnlineUtility implies pay-for-use pricingDemand implies ~infinite, ~immediate, ~invisible scalability

Cloud Computing Deployment Models

Hybrid Cloud

Connectivity(Network Access)





Public Cloud

Public Cloud

Private CloudPrivate Cloud

The Cloud Provider

The Cloud Provider

Architectural Layers of Cloud Computing

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Pros and Cons

Security Issues

Encryption & Key Management



Encryption on Storage

Encryption on TransmissionKey Management Using security algorithm

Classification of Encryption Algorithms

Encryption Algorithms

Symmetric or Secret Key Encryption

Asymmetric or Public Key Encryption



Symmetric Key Algorithm

Asymmetric Key Algorithm

Data Encryption Standard (DES)

Rivest Shamir Adleman Algorithm(RSA)

RSA CRYPTOSYSTEM WITH EXAMPLE SETUPStep 1: Choose two primes:- p=3 , q=11 [for encrypting small message]Step 2: n=p*q=3*11=33Step 3: phi or ɸ(n)=(p-1)(q-1)=(3-1)(11-1)=2*10=20Step 4: Choose e i.e., public exponent/encryption exponent e must 1) be an integer 2) not be a factor of n 3) 1<e<ɸ (n) Let, e=7Step 5: Calculate d i.e., secret exponent/decryption exponent (d*e)mod ɸ(n) = 1 (d*7)mod 20=1 => d=3KEYSPublic Key: KE=( n, e)=(91,7)Private Key: KD=d=3ENCRYPTIONLet’s encrypt “BE” where B=2 and E=5 alphabetically.1<M<n is a condition to encrypt messages within a range.So, the plaintext, M=25.Cipher text, C=M^e mod n= 25^7 mod 33=31DECRYPTIONM=C^d mod n= 31^3 mod 33=25 = “BE”.


1. Rashmi Nigoti et. al[1] have surveyed different security issues to cloud and different cryptographic algorithms adoptable to better security for the cloud and the benefits of cloud storage viz. easy access , scalability, cost efficiency, and high reliability of the data.

2. Brian Hay et. al [2] have focused on data authentication, data integrity, querying and outsourcing the encrypted data.

3. Ashalatha R [3] discussed in her paper about the significance of data security and the various existing security techniques for the cloud.

4. S.Monikandan[4] proposed a new cloud cryptography technique . It conveys that since the user has no control over the data once their session is logged out, the encryption key acts as the primary authentication for the user. By applying this encryption algorithm, user ensures that the data is stored only on secured storage and it cannot be accessed by administrators or intruders.

5. Rajeev Bedi[5] developed a retrieval system in which the data is retrieved by the user in encrypted form and is decrypted by the user at its own site using a public and private key encryption both the keys working at the user level.

CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPESecurity is a major requirement in cloud computing while we talk about data storage. There are number of existing techniques used to implement security in cloud. So in this presentation, I have discussed the popularly used symmetric and asymmetric algorithms of cloud encryption techniques.

The future will focusing on – More strong security algorithms and implement a better version of DES, RSA , etc. New security techniques need to be developed and older security techniques needed to be radically tweaked to be able to work with the clouds architecture. As the development of cloud computing technology is still under R&D, there will be more better understanding of the design challenges of cloud computing, and pave the way for further research in this area.


[1] Rashmi Nigoti et al., “ A Survey of Cryptographic Algorithms for Cloud Computing” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences,4(2), March-May 2013.[2] Brian Hay, Kara Nance, Matt Bishop, “Storm Clouds Rising: Security Challenges f for IaaS Cloud Computing” Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences -2011. [3] Ashalatha R,Faculty of Computer Science, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore,” A Survey On Security As A Challenge In Cloud Computing” International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research (IJATER) National Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology (NCET-Tech), Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2012.[4] S. Monikandan et al., “Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Storage using Hybrid Symmetric Encryption Algorithm” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 8, August 2013.[5] Rajeev Bedi et al., “Applying Encryption Algorithm for Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing” Punjab Technical University, Beant College of Engineering and Technology,Gurdaspur, Punjab, India, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 1, January 2013.


BOOKS Ankit Fadia and Jaya Bhattacharjee’s “Encryption-

Protecting your standard” . William Stalling’s “Cryptography and Data Security” .




