Service Oriented Architecture Design Pattern


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Presentation on Service Oriented Design Pattern and Case Study

2/14/2015 1

Presented By:– Shanto Rahman

Presented To:Alim Ul Gias

Lecturer at IIT, DU

2/14/2015 2


Overview of Service Oriented Architecture

Contract Centralization

Contract Denormalization

Facade Design Pattern

Case Study

Q & A

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Service Oriented Architecture

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List of SOA Design Pattern

SOA Design Pattern

Foundational Service Patterns

Service Implementation


Service Messaging


Legacy Encapsulation


Composition Implementation

PatternsService Interaction Security Patterns

Transformation Patterns

Common Compound

Design Patterns

Service Contract

Design Patterns

Service Security Patterns



Design Patterns

Service Contract Design PatternsContract Centralization


• Consumer programs access the service resources using different entry points

• Implementation dependencies

• Contracts loss its significance


Fig. 1 : A service consumer program simply bypasses the service contract to access underlying logic directly2/14/2015 6

Service Contract Design PatternsContract Centralization


• Limit the access to service logic

•Avoid implementation coupling

Fig. 2: Through Contract Centralization we place the service contract front and center within a servicearchitecture. This is why much of service-orientation is focused on contract design

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Service Contract Design PatternsContract Centralization


• Enterprise design standards

• Service abstraction design principle

• When multiple Agnostic services need to be considered


• Forcing consumer programs to access service capabilities and resources via a central contract can impose performance

• Overhead and requires on-going standardization effort

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Service Contract Design PatternsContract Denormalization

Problem definition:

• There are services with strictly normalized contracts

• Normalized contracts imposes functional and performance demands on the

consumer program

Fig. 3: The Invoice service provides a Get capability that is not able to facilitate the varying granularity levels different service consumer programs prefer.2/14/2015 9

Service Contract Design PatternsContract Denormalization


• Multiple capabilities are used to express the core functions in different ways

for different types of consumer programs.

• Denormalization can impact the autonomy and governance of individual services

Fig. 4: Equipped with additional (albeit redundant) capabilities, the Invoice service is able to betteraccommodate the individual requirements of the three consumers

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Service Contract Design PatternsContract Denormalization


• Granularity is applied at the initial phase

• If new consumer added with different objective, based on their request

granularity will be performed

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Service Contract Design PatternsContract Denormalization


Can be offered at different levels of granularity.

New capability is added to an existing task service


Overuse of this pattern can lead to overly large and convoluted service


Multiple variations of each primary capability are added, the contract can

become unmanageable and difficult to evolve

The effectiveness of agnostic services especially can suffer from poor

functional expression

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Facade Design Pattern


• Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem

• Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to


• Wrap a complicated subsystem with a simpler interface

• Hide the complexities of the system

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Facade Design Pattern

• Example:

– Q1. One store has a store keeper. In that storage, there are a lot of things stored

e.g. packing material, raw material and finished goods

• Client want to access different goods

• He/ She do not know where the different materials are stored

• Client just have access to store keeper who knows his store well

• Client will tell the store keeper and seller take it out of store and hands it over to

client on showing him the credentials

• Here, the store keeper acts as the facade, as he hides the complexities of the system


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Architecture of Facade Design Pattern

Facade (Storekeeper)


Package1Package2 Package3

Class Class Class

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Facilities Provided By Facade Design Pattern

• Identify a simpler, unified interface for the subsystem or component

• Design a 'wrapper' class that encapsulates the subsystem

• The facade/wrapper captures the complexity and collaborations of the

component, and delegates to the appropriate methods

• The client uses (is coupled to) the Facade only

• Consider whether additional Facades would add value

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public interface Store {

public Goods getGoods();


public class FinishedGoodsStore implements Store {

public Goods getGoods() {

FinishedGoods finishedGoods = new FinishedGoods();

return finishedGoods;


}// End of class

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Code Example

public class StoreKeeper {

public RawMaterialGoods getRawMaterialGoods() {

RawMaterialStore store = new RawMaterialStore();

RawMaterialGoods rawMaterialGoods = (RawMaterialGoods)store.getGoods();

return rawMaterialGoods;


public FinishedGoods getFinishedGoods() {

FinishedGoodsStore store = new FinishedGoodsStore();

FinishedGoods finishedGoods = (FinishedGoods)store.getGoods();

return finishedGoods;


}// End of class

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Code Example

public class Client {

public static void main(String[] args) {

StoreKeeper keeper = new StoreKeeper();

RawMaterialGoods rawMaterialGoods = keeper.getRawMaterialGoods();




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Code Example

Code Example

public class StoreKeeper {

public Goods getGoods(String goodsType) {

if (goodsType.equals("Finished")) {

FinishedGoodsStore store = new FinishedGoodsStore();

FinishedGoods finishedGoods = (FinishedGoods)store.getGoods();

return finishedGoods;


else {

RawMaterialStore store = new RawMaterialStore();

RawMaterialGoods rawMaterialGoods = (RawMaterialGoods)store.getGoods();

return rawMaterialGoods;



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public interface Store {

public Goods getGoods();


public class FinishedGoodsStore implements Store {

public Goods getGoods() {

FinishedGoods finishedGoods = new FinishedGoods();

return finishedGoods;


}// End of class

Code Example

public class StoreKeeper {

public RawMaterialGoods getRawMaterialGoods(String goodsType) {

Storage store = new Storage ();

RawMaterialGoods rawMaterialGoods = (RawMaterialGoods)store.getGoods(goodsType);

return rawMaterialGoods;


}// End of class

Code Example

public class Client {

public static void main(String[] args) {

StoreKeeper keeper = new StoreKeeper();

RawMaterialGoods rawMaterialGoods = keeper.getRawMaterialGoods(“Packaging”);




Code Example

public class Storage {

public Goods getGoods(String goodsType) {

if (goodsType.equals("Packaging")) {

PackingMaterialStore store = new PackingMaterialStore();

PackingMaterialGoods packingMaterialGoods = (PackingMaterialGoods)store.getGoods();

return packingMaterialGoods;


else if (goodsType.equals("Finished")) {

FinishedGoodsStore store = new FinishedGoodsStore();

FinishedGoods finishedGoods = (FinishedGoods)store.getGoods();

return finishedGoods;



Code Example

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Case Study

Appropriate coupling levels are implemented:

• Materials Service

• Formulas Service

• Run Lab Project Service

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Entity service model

Task-centric service

Case Study

• To interact with the legacy inventory management system Both the GetPurchased

and ReportStockLevels operations of the Materials service are required (from

Chapter 6)

• This system has limited integration capabilities

• They thought that two operations from the Materials service do not need to

interface directly with the proprietary API

• A separate Web service named InvLegacyAPI is proposed

• Reasons for using InvLegacyAPI:

– Abstracts the legacy environment

– It lowers the Materials service’s overall implementation coupling level

– It is considered a utility service because it essentially acts as a wrapper endpoint for a proprietary

legacy API

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Case Study

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Fig. 5: The back-end implementation details of the InvLegacyAPI service operations. Notice how the GetItemCountoperation bypasses the API to access the database directly

Case Study

• Service Design Options:

– Accept the contract requirements of the InvLegacyAPI service and allow the Materials

service to bind to the Inventory service

– Introduce a service that provides a contract based on the existing, standardized

Inventory Item schema definition

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Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study: Run Lab Project

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Fig. 6: Cutit decides to go ahead with the delivery of the new Inventory service

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