Types of map


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Types of Map

Prepared by Sampath Kathroju

HOD Civil Dept.Kshatriya College of Engineering

Types of Map

• Depending on the kind of information shown, some of the major types of maps are:

1. Climate maps2. Political maps3. Economic or resource maps4. Physical maps5. Street maps/Road maps6. Topographic maps 7. Thematic maps

Climate Maps•Prepared for Portraying the climate conditions of a place

Political Map•Prepared for Portraying the state and natural boundaries of a place

•Involves the locations of small and large cities

Economic Resource Map•Prepared for Portraying the economic activities or natural resources which are existing in an area by denoting them using various colors or symbols

Physical Map•Prepared for Portray the features of a landscapes such as •Mountains•Lakes•Rivers etc

•Variations in elevations and mountains are represented using various colors•Green---lower elevation •Brown ---higher elevation

Street Maps

Road Maps•Major highway----red color•Minor highway----lighter color

Topographic Maps•Prepared for Portraying the features of a physical landscape• which can use contour lines

•—regular intervals---variation in elevations •Lines are closely spaced terrain is step

Thematic Maps

•Prepared for particular theme or topic•Different from all kinds of maps•Do not portrayed the natural features •Elevations •Highways•Political sub dimensions •Rivers •cities etc
