All About Me



All about me for my BTT exam portfolio.

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Mason Daphne Claudia

Stoyke Stoyke Selimi (son) (daughter)

(My cat) (My dog) (My other cat) (My Mom) (Me)

Edgar Stoyke Thess Stoyke Medi Selimi Andrea Selimi [nee Stoyke]

(My uncle) (My aunt) (Dad) (Mom)

Edgar Stoyke Andrea Stoyke (son) (adoptive daughter)

Margarite and Erwin Stoyke (Grandparents)

I attended Dalewood grade 7-8 and graduated from it.

Before, I attended Prince Philip Public. My favourite teachers at Dalewood were:

1. My art teacher, Mrs Read2. My English teacher, Mr Strickland

3. My music teacher, Mr Tempest

At Secord, my favourite teachers are Mrs Thorpe, my drama teacher and Mrs Filer, my math teacher.

My best character traitsoI am very ambitious.

oI’m passionate about what I love.

oI’m creative.

My Worse Off Character

TraitsoI isolate myself a lot.

oI can be very judgmental.

oI can be too strong about my beliefs.

Traits I’d Like to ImproveoI want to learn to not be so anxious about everything.

oI want to stop giving up so easily.

I travel every summer at least.My 3 favourite places I’ve been to are Newfoundland, Quebec City, and Cape Cod(MA).

i.Newfoundland has a very peaceful vibe, and beautiful scenery.ii.Cape Cod is warm and the towns are small and lively.

iii.Quebec City has an old beauty to it, and it’s full of life.

Favourite foods: Raspberries, Anjou pears, Maple taffy(Canadian spirit), and pasta.


Indigo, royal blue and rose red.

Classes in school: Drama, visual art and English.

Hobbies: Drawing/sketching, horse riding, listening to music,

photography and biking.

Favourite movies: The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Alice in Wonderland.

Favourite TV shows: Doctor Who, Supernatural, Adventure Time, Bones, Criminal Minds.

Favourite Books: Harry Potter, The Fault in Our Stars, Skinny, and the Life of Pi.

3 favourite bands/singers: Hands like Houses

o Dear You: American pop punk band. o I first heard of them earlier in 2013.

Small band. Never been to a show.

Lights: Canadian electropop singer. I first heard of her in 2008. I have all 3 of her albums.

My favourite song of hers is Siberia. Seen live once; never met her.

Once I’ve graduated high school, I would like to go to Guelph University for a Bachelor of Science.

In 10 years I’m hoping to be able to attend University of New Brunswick in St John for a degree in Zoology(

University of New Brunswick) or NSCAD University in Nova Scotia for a degree in the Fine Arts for

Photography. (NSCAD University) As a career, I’d love to be a zoologist or an animal

photographer for National Geographic.

Walt Disney Damon Fizzy

Audrey Hepburn


Princess Bubblegum
