Analysing Mika's CD Cover


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Bold and bright font that will catch the viewers’ attention if they were to see this CD in a store. This is the largest image on the cover so as soon as you see this CD you know straight away who it is.

Fun and colourful designs on the front gives use a clue about the genre of the music. This links to his songs as they are fun and happy songs.

Looks like an explosion has happened from the clouds, bursting with bright colours. This makes the album cover look exciting and fun.

‘Life in Cartoon Motion’ is written in a spiral font which looks childlike and relates to the age range of Mika’s music. This writing looks more effective and looks more like handwriting than normal font.

The star is shown on the front but is very small and hardly noticeable. Also the picture of the star is quite dark. This could represent Mika as a care free artist, because normally the main image would be of the artist. Also the artist might be self-conscious and may not want a big picture of him spread across the front.

Random objects that look like they are from a living room: sofa, television and lamps. These objects are also from the songs on the album. So there is a strong relationship between the music and the visuals just from the CD cover

Looks like rainbows which are very known to be colourful so it fits into the colour and genre of the music.

3D font looks more effective and attracts the target audience than standard 2D font that is mostly used for album covers.

Designs look like they have been drawn by hand by a child which makes it stand out to the target audience even more. I think children would be more attracted to this album than most other album from big artists. This is because it the bright colour makes it stand out to children rather than adults.

There are different people scattered around the cover. They all like to the songs in the album. For example the lady links with the video ‘Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)’. Also the man lying on the sofa links to the video ‘Relax (Take It Easy)’. Mostly of this ideology fits in with the video’s such as ‘Lollipop’ as we can see a little girl sucking on a lollipop. So we can say the CD cover has a strong relationship with what’s on the album.

All the colours on this album are said in Mika’s song ‘Grace Kelly’

Image of clouds carrying on from the front cover suggesting a day dream. So perhaps Mika wants his album to come across as unrealistic?

Conventions of the back of a CD cover include: track names, brand names, running order of the tracks, images and colour from the front of the CD cover and production details (Website)

Back cover corporates the same idea as the front cover, but with a little less detail. So we can still see the different objects in the sky but there is a lot less pattern.

Images of random objects: sofas, television and lamps have been copied from the front cover. This is carrying on with the theme and the genre of Mika’s music.

Track titles are the same font as the writing from the front cover. The album title ‘Life in a Cartoon Motion’ is also written in this child like font. The font looks like it has been written by hand which reflects the power pop genre, as it fun and no a standard font.

The use of colour on the back of this CD is very similar to the front. The colours that are mainly used are brown and blue. The colour blue is used for the sky and brown is maybe used for the ground. These colours also feature in Mika’s song Grace Kelly. The lyric ‘I could be brown, I could be blue’ features on both the front and back cover of this CD. This could suggest that the music has a strong relationship with the visuals.

Using the same colours and images will make it easy for the target audience to establish the genre and the artist of this album. You could probably tell whose album it is even if you saw the back before the font. It would be very hard to miss this CD because it is most likely to be the brightest cover on a shelf!

The production details are in very small font, which you can hardly read. It’s because this information isn’t important to the fans. The productions details include information about copyright, production team, record labels etc. These things are not important. But if you were a big fan of Mika is may include his twitter name or website which is what we can clearly see as it is in a bigger and bolder font.

Patterns which are carried on from the front of the cover contain a lot less variety and only take up the corner of the back cover. It may be because the back is more to do with the track titles and not the genre.

Very plain image of artist inside the CD cover holding a cup of tea. This suggests that he is a normal person?

It looks like it has been taken as a mug shot hence that he is in the middle of drinking tea.

CD and CD holder carry on from the front and back covers. Colours images and font are all still the same. Give the CD the same happy atmosphere.

You know you are looking at the same CD because they are linked closely to the effect it gives on the front as well as the back covers.

One small pattern of a colourful clock work mechanism from the front cover has been enlarged used as the background for the CD holder.

You would have thought that the background behind Mika would carry on with the theme of colourful and fun. This is not the case as the background is plain with Palm trees. It makes it look like the photo has been taken in his house?

A big image of the main artist would usually be on the front cover of the album. Instead the image is on the inside of the album where it is hardly seen. The artist may not want to portray the typical front of a CD cover so by doing it this ways makes him different.

Production details are the same as the back of the album cover. This may be done in case the audience missed them on the back.