And the mountains echoed


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By : Usman Imran (16237)

Novel : And the Mountains EchoedBY Khaled Hosseini

About Author

Author : Khaled Hosseini

Born : Kabul ,Afganistan(1965)

Genre : Fiction

Published Books

The Kite Runner (Best seller 2003)

Thousand Splendid Sun (#1 on nearly every national bestseller list 2007)

And the Mountains Echoed (2013)

Theme of Book•The separation of the two siblings, Abdullah and Pari, is "the heart of the book".

•Selfless Love

• Pain



Title Relevance to Story

•“The Nurse’s Song,” a poem by William Blake ends a versewith the line “And all the hills echoed.”

•Maidan - e- Sabz surrounded by mountains

•Shadbagh village surrounded by mountains

Characters (Major)Abdullah :  brother of Pari taking care of her until she was sold by their father to a wealthy family

Pari: daughter of Saboor. she is sold to a wealthy couple at the age of three

Saboor:father of Pari and Abdullah. He sells Pari to a wealthy family in hopes of her living a better life

Parwana: stepmother of Pari and Abdullah.

Nabi:  older brother of Parwana and Masooma and uncle of Pari and Abdullah. He works for a wealthy couple, Nila and Suleiman Wahdati, and con-nects them with Saboor and his family to help them adopt a child.

Nila Wahdati:sexual poet ,self-loving , extremely beautiful. she and her husband adopt Pari. When her husband suffers a stroke, she takes Pari with her to Paris to live a "free“ life

Suleiman Wahdati: wealthy businessman who adopts Pari

Characters (Minors) Taimur Bashiri : arrogant neighbor that lived down the street from the Wahdati's. He and his family move to America because of the Rus-sian invasion but he later returns with his cousin to his homeland to visit

Idris :, polite ,self-observing doctor and cousin of taimur who get at-tached with a injured girl roshi but then distance himself after going back to America .

Amra Ademovic:a Bosnian nurse who cares for and eventually adopts an orphan named Roshi

Roshi: Afghan girl, Roshi, who suffers injuries and has no family

Markos Varvaris: Greek doctor who moved into Wahdati's former home. He operates on children who were injured because of war

Thalia: sweetheart of Markos with a facial deformity because of a dog attack

Pari: the daughter of Abdullah, named after his lost sister

Masooma : paralyzed sister of parwana and Nabi

CharactersSultana: Abdullah’s wife.

Iqbal : Abdullah’s Half Brother

Adel: Son of a war lord who has taken Saboor property

Ghulam: Son of iqbal

Odie: Markos Mother

Madaline: Thalia Mother

Summary"You want a story and I will tell you one,"

Summary (contd)9 Chapters

402 pages

Multiple Tales

revolving around the globe—from Kabul to Paris to San Fran-cisco to the Greek island of Tinos

Tales revolving around not just parents and children but brothers and sisters, cousins and caretakers,

Hosseini explores the many ways in which families nurture, wound, betray, honor, and sacrifice for one another

the story expands gradually outward, becoming more emo-tionally complex and powerful with each turning page

Summary (contd)Chapter #1: ( Fall 1952 : Story of Baba ayub and div)Chapter #2 : ( Fall 1952 :Journey and Sepration)Chapter #3 : ( Spring 1949 :Story of Masooma and Parwana)Chapter #4 : ( Story of Nabi)Chapter #5 : ( Spring 2003 :Story of ROSHI)Chapter #6 : ( Spring 1974 :Story of Nila Wahdati/Pari)Chapter #7 : ( Summer 2003 :Story of Adel)Chapter #8 : ( Fall 2010:Story of Markos)Chapter #9 : ( Winter 2010 :Story of Pari (Abdullah Daughter) )

What I liked about this Book?

Start of the Novel "You want a story and I will tell you one,“

Story of Baba Ayub and Qais

Sacrifices of Saboor

The Character of Pari and Abdullah when they were child and their endless love

The story of Roshi

Sacrifices of Masooma

Character of Odie and her attitude and actions regarding Thalia

Thalia and Markos become friends when Thalia shows him how to make a camera.

What I Disliked ?


Hosseni should have written an extra Chapter about theLife of abdullah after sepration

Reviews4.1/5 by goodreads

4/5 the telegraph

‘Exquisite’... A must read’ – USA TODAY

‘Deeply Affecting’ –NEW YORK TIMES


‘Beautiful Written’ –LOS ANGELES TIMES





‘Beautiful’ - HARPAR’S BAZAR
