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Chinese OperaBy: April Johnson

Info About Mask Changing

• There are sometimes ten masks in layers over the actors face. It started three hundred years ago, and the trick is a secret of how the actors doing it. Most times the secret is handed down from family to family.

Picture Not a Video Of Mask Changing

What The Colors Of The Mask Means

• The colors of the masks show what the emotions of the characters are, for ex. Purple means: Uprightness , sophistication and cool headedness. Green means: The character is, Impulsive, violent and stubborn.

Topic Change To: Acrobats Of Peking Opera

• The Chinese peking opera includes a lot of stretching and jumping through obstacles. The acrobats probably have to go through a lot of training to do all the jumping and flipping.

Chinese Acrobats

Final Topic Change: How The Music Sounds

• The instruments are really different compared to America’s opera instruments, for example: They used an instrument called a “Zither” which was invented three hundred years ago. They also used a lot of strings instead of horns like America.

What A Zither Looks Like

More Mask YAY!!!!!!!!!