Are You Spending Too Much Time On Facebook


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Are You

Spending Too

Much tIMe ON


Are you worried that you might be addicted to Facebook?

Here are ten signs you might be spending too much time on Facebook:

10. The first thing you do when you wake up and the last thing you do before going to sleep is check Facebook.

9. You are strongly considering naming your next child Mark Zuckerberg, regardless if it’s a boy or girl.

7. You have more Facebook friends than you had real friends…over your entire life.

6. Facebook sends you a Christmas Card because they consider you a “Power User!”

5. When you first signed up for Pinterest, you felt like you were cheating on Facebook.

4. Your kids schedule time with you by sending you notices using Facebook Events.

3. Facebook’s Research & Development team contacts you directly for input on ideas for new layouts.

2. When your partner wants to “talk,” all you can think about while his lips are moving is

“what’s going on in my News Feed?”

1. The word “Like” popped into your mind three or four times during the reading of this Top 10 list.
