Battlefields 2013




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Why Should I GO?• Invaluable addition to pupils understanding of WW1

component of Edexcel GCSE History Unit 2 – War & the Transformation of British Society 1903-1928. Experienced and knowledgeable guides throughout trip.

• The trip is emotional and also enjoyable and will last long in the memories of those who go. The unforgettable sites, the memorable stories and hopefully the continental weather make this a superb experience.

• Students encouraged to interact with French & Belgian shopkeepers, museum staff etc. offering opportunity to develop language and communication skills.

• Foreign Residential trips help to build independence, teamwork skills, resilience and confidence as students adapt to challenges and differences of foreign culture and society.

DATES & DETAILSAll times are approximate based on previous trips – actual times to be confirmed at later date.

•Outward Journey Monday 8th July 2013Depart John of Gaunt School 6.00am(Please be at Wingfield Car Park at 5.30am to load luggage)

Ferry departure from Dover 10.25amFerry arrival in Calais 12.55pmArrive at Ypres Hotel 5.30pm

•Return Journey Wednesday 10th July 2013Return to John of Gaunt School 7.30pm approx.(Please ensure you are available in the event of an early or late return)

MONDAYPupils will visit British cemeteries at Tyne Cot and Essex Farm, and also Langemark German cemetery, before heading to the restored trenches and museum at Sanctuary Wood. Dinner at the Old Abbey before heading into Ypres to hear the Last Post, and visit the Menin Gate.

The Menin gate Memorial to the Missing

The Sounding of the Last Post


Langemark German cemeteryThe Cemetery at Tyne Cot


Sanctuary Wood

TUESDAYPupils will visit the Ulster Tower Memorial, the Thievpal Memorial, the Lochnagar Crater and the excellent Trenches Museum at Albert.

The Ulster Tower The WW1 Museum in Albert



TUESDAYPupils will also visit areas around the Somme including the Thievpal Memorial, the Lochnogar Crater, Delville Wood and Ulster Tower.

The Thiepval Memorial



Ulster Tower


The Lochnagar Crater



WEDNESDAYPupils will visit the Canadian trenches and tunnels at Vimy Ridge, and take in some shopping in Ypres.                                                                           


Vimy RidgeYpres


Youth Hostel De LorkKemmel - Heuvelland, BelgiumKattekerkhofstraat 28956, Belgium

This is a 3* hotel and breakfast and dinner are included.Pupils sleep in single-sex dormitories.

Rooms must be kept clean and tidy and RDA and SGR reserve the right to inspect rooms at any time.

Hotel Tel: +57 445 970

Emergency ContactMr Gray – 07721755167Could all parents also please ensure that pupils havemobile numbers for several family members or friendsin case of emergency.

Pupils intending to take mobile phones will need adaptors for their chargers which work in continental sockets.

FOODThe first meal to be provided is dinner on Monday Evening at 6.30pm.

Parents should ensure their child has enough food to last until then on the first day.

The Hotel will provide breakfast, dinner and a packed lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Before returning home there will be an opportunity for pupils to buy food to eat on their journey back.

PASSPORTPlease check to make sure your passport is valid.

MEDICALAny medicine requiring looking after should be given to SGR or SLO before departure.

Parents should ensure that their child has any travel sickness medication, hay fever remedies or other medicine before departure.

All pupils should bring their EHIC card to instantly insure against any costs incurred by hospitals, ambulances and emergency treatment.

CLOTHINGWe will be spending the majority of this trip outside, and therefore being poorly equipped could lead to reduced enjoyment of the trip! Shoes which cause blisters after long walks, thin ‘trendy’ jackets, and any ‘best’ clothing should be left behind. • Sturdy Shoes (we will get muddy +


• Waterproof & Warm Coat with hood

• Sunhat / Sunglasses

• Waterproof trousers

• Hat, scarf, gloves

OTHER ITEMSWe recommend leaving valuable items like jewellery, I-pods, MP3Players, and PSPs at home. We will be travelling on a variety of transport, surrounded by lots of other people, and if lost, these items would be unlikely to be recovered. You should bring…

• Mobile phone + charger + continental plug adaptor

• Camera

• Videos / DVDs for journey (bus may have DVD player)

• Paper, pens and clipboard for making notes (especially GCSE pupils)

• Umbrella / Sunscreen

• Pillow / cushion for long journeys

• Wash kit – shampoo, soap, etc.

• Alarm clock so staff don’t have to batter doors down to wake you up.

FURTHER DETAILSPlease email Mr.Gray on

Please email Mrs. Davison on