Best Artist Rep Magazine Issue # 3 is HOT!


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On The Move with Micah Lee

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It only takes one chord from his soul-stirring tenor to fall in love with the caressed crooning of South

Florida’s newest heartthrob Micah “The Voice” Lee. Boasting an eclectic blend of jazz, neo soul, R&B

and gospel, this multi-talented entertainer has mastered the seductive art of sound and captivated the

hearts of listeners within a few short months. His highly praised mixtape Renditions Reloaded has

racked up more than 10,000 downloads online and now after recently signing with the powerful Deb-B

King Management, he is readying the release of his debut album Victory slated to be released in 2015.

Micah Lee's Christmas single "This Holiday" debuted at #21 on iTunes and steadily rose to #19 over the

course of the holiday 2014 season. Internationally, "This Holiday" peaked at #20 in Uganda and steadily

remained on the charts. With the bulk of the album’s production laid down by Grammy Award-winning

hit maker Kevin Dean (Mary J Blige’s “Deep Inside”) and set off by up-tempo dance single “Every

Heart,” Micah Lee is soon to become a household name. “Music has power in it,” Micah contends. “And

we as musicians have a responsibility to bring positivity to the music. I state problems. I state issues. And

I state a way out of it for everybody. In my music, I encourage people to have faith.” As naturally gifted

as Micah is, however, entertainment was ironically not his first love. Instead, the Boynton Beach, Fla.-

born, Fort Lauderdale-raised adolescent was heavily involved in sports since his father first signed him

up in little league baseball. On any given day, young Micah could be found on either the football field or

basketball court. And through high school, the sixfoot-six-inch dual athlete played defensive end for the

football team and center in basketball. He didn’t start singing until he was 13 when his grandmother put

him on the spot in church and asked him to sing one Sunday morning. “I want to tell you it was a great

thing but it was pretty bad,” Micah laughs. “I have one of those grandmothers that doesn’t like to be

embarrassed. And I swore I would never let that happen again.” From that point on, he sought to im-

prove his voice as well as his athletics. He joined the church’s praise and worship team where he spent

the next five honing his craft. After graduation, he enrolled in school at Florida Memorial in Miami to

study political science and public administration. But his life took a twisted turn one dreaded Labor Day

Weekend when Micah was almost killed in a car accident. He was driving home to Fort Lauderdale from

school when his SUV hydroplaned off the road in the pouring rain and landed in a canal. The water be-

gan to rise rapidly until his nose became quickly and completely submerged. He could no longer

breathe. “Some kind of way, I kicked my way out of the window and swam out,” Micah thinks back. “But

my legs were turned backwards.” When Micah made it out of the intensive care unit two months later,

he was told that his legs would have to be amputated and he would never walk again. “But God didn’t

see it being that way,” he testifies. After a year in a wheelchair, Micah astonished the doctors with a full

recovery. “It was all for a purpose. It led me to understand the heeling wasn’t my own,” says Micah. “It

helped me to realize that now is that time to push forward and do what I need to do.” Since then, Mi-

cah has known no boundaries. He launched a career in print modeling and has been featured in several

musicals and stage plays including his most recent “Soul of a Black Woman” and “Bad Girls of the Bible”

last year. “I call myself a renaissance man,” he explains, “because I do it all.” Micah has also been touring

the Southeast promoting his music. Last year, he released regionally acclaimed mixtape Renditions Re-

loaded, where recorded his own versions of classic R&B ballads from the 80s, 90s and today. The album

had more than 10,000 downloads. And video releases by Micah’s cover of Frank Ocean’s “I Miss You”

garnered more than 30,000 views on and his interpretation of KEM’s “Find Your Way”

racked up more than 40,000 views. Additionally, Micah signed with South Florida-based Deb-B King

Management and awaiting the release of his debut album Victory slated to be released in 2015. The

album’s up-tempo lead single “Forever Feat. Da T.R.U.T.H.” is just a small taste of what Micah has to

offer. We recently interviewed Micah and got the inside scoop on what his current projects are and


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Interview with Micah:

1. BAR- So Micah, what special projects do you have coming up in 2015?

Tones of events, upcoming tours, but most importantly the release of my New album


2 BAR- What would you like to see yourself doing in 2016?

My prayer as a child was to one day see the world. God is so much bigger than just the

USA. Years ago the lord revealed to me id touch millions with my music and ministry.

In 2016, I finally can see that vision coming to pass. Its not about the fortune or fame,

but Simply being able to do my assinment. Im getting excited thinking about it! Lol

3. BAR- I know this is deep but, If you looked back on your career, 20 years from

now, what do you want your legacy to be?

If I looked back on my career 20 yrs from now. Id like #1 to say" I did it! " I often say I

refuse 2 watch the grammy's at 40yrs old and say, "that could of been me" Famous

quote, says, "Its better to have tried and failed, to never have tried at all" But failing

isnt an option! My father instilled in me to be THE BEST AT WHATEVER I DO! #2 I

want to be remembered for being honest and sincere. Sometimes people try to put

you in a box, id try2 sing like Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp, I never could do

them...But I can do Micah and that cant be duplicated by anyone! And lastly and most

important I wanna be a hit maker!! Nothing but #1's!!!

4. BAR- I know this is deep but, If you looked back on your career, 20 years

from now, what do you want your legacy to be?

Advice I can give to an up and coming gospel singer is, invest in yourself 1st!

If you dont how can you expect some1 else to? So spend the funds to get

quality production, photos, etc. And To simply remember the difference

between some1 who is a success verses some1 who is not, has nothing to

do with how well you Sing or rap! Its 100% your work ethic! You can have Faith in god but

the bible says, "Faith without works is dead!" You do your part and watch what happens!

Never give up!!!

5. BAR- What are the best ways to contact you for booking?

For booking contact DKM (Deb-B King Manage-

ment) or 561.502.2486

Musica l Ta lent

Contact Micah Lee at:

From Russia With Love

Contact Cooper Phillip at:


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W ith her stunning voice, beautiful looks and in-

tense drive, COOPER PHILLIP captures the

undivided attention of the eyes and ears

around her. COOPER has always been a

small town girl with dreams bigger than anyone

could fully imagine. Born in Russia to a family of classical musi-

cians, her early years were shaped by being raised by her grand-

mother and aunt while her mother, a master violin player, toured

with various symphonies. That separation led COOPER to take

comfort in music at an early age where she was mesmerized by the

vocal stylings of Ella Fitzgerald. She learned her songs inside and

out, noticing every nuance of Ella’s phrasing and jazz intonations.

“Something about being in front of an audience and winning a com-

petition at such a young age only made me more curious and inter-

ested in seeing what I could do with my voice” says COOPER. She

began singing everyday, taking in the sounds of Barbra Streisand

and studying a wide range of artist. Listening to her impressive

pipes, her voice, which won singing competitions at 11 years old,

easily elevates her above the rest of aspiring sirens. Not only gifted

vocally, she learned classical piano and harp, being raised in a

family of accomplished classical musicians. Making the courageous

decision to follow her dreams thousands of miles away from her

homeland, she made her way to NY and LA, with not much else be-

sides perseverance and a will to succeed.

At 12 years old, COOPER permanently went to live with her moth-

er. It was a major adjustment but her mother soon realized her

daughter had a gift and decided to help expand her music talents.

She enrolled COOPER in the prestigious Moscow State Classical

Academy where she studied classical piano, theory, harp, jazz,

blues, ballet and voice. And it was her vocal teacher at the acade-

my who would prove to be the most pivotal in her development

when she introduced her to the music of Mariah Carey.

COOPER was obsessed. “I would just listen to her for hours upon

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hours”. She worked diligently to expand her range and control her

voice to impress her teachers. She loved the challenge.

All along, COOPER had her sights set on the big city. Determined

to pursue a career in music, COOPER’s mother let her move to

New York at 17. With barely a dollar to her name, she worked and

hustled, singing in weddings and clubs and sleeping in the store-

room of a restaurant where she sang. It wasn’t easy but she would

not be deterred. After a few years in New York, COOPER jumped

at an opportunity to sing at a gig in Los Angeles. She never went

back. She met Yoni Blondy, a talented new producer who intro-

duced her to Sundafu Kawah of Imaginary Ghost Management.

The two clicked right away. With a strong sense of direction,

COOPER began pouring her heart into songs she would write for

debut EP called Walk A Mile. In writing she found an outlet to tell

her story of lost love and pain in soul filled songs like Black Box,

Tough Love and her single Silence. COOPER also used writing as

an outlet for songs of struggle and perseverance like the title song

Walk A Mile.

With her natural charisma, limitless talent and genuine like-ability,

the word “star quality” is used often when people meet this young

girl. The future only seems to be getting brighter for COOPER as

her soaring voice shines and her focused passion continues to

grow every step of the way.

Contact Cooper Phillip at:


Musica l Ta lent

Meet Devin Robinson aka EGYPT

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Despite losing his mother at 12, having his father abandon him the same day and being classified as an

orphan, Egypt may have been knocked down...but wasn’t knocked out. Over a span of 10 years, Egypt

has led a life many consider a fairytale. His work in Black history storytelling, relationship counseling and

HIV education/performing opened doors many seldom see. He's appeared on MTV, BET, Apollo theater

twice, FOX with Lee Pitts in addition to countless radio shows, magazine and performance appearances.

Egypt has shared stages with A-list celebrities such as John Legend, Alicia Keys and Magic Johnson. He

adopted the name "Egypt" because he plans to influence the world just as the great African empire has

influenced the earth. He's touched stages in Johannesburg South Africa, Doha Qatar, Barbados, Haiti,

Trinidad and Tobago and a TEDx Talk in Amman, Jordan. Not to neglect he's gained two degrees while

being on the Dean's list, graduated Phi Theta Kappa Honors, won the Florida State PAL Boxing Champi-

onship, is a devout Christian, created the AIDS Awareness Poets Inc and the AIDS Games. He wrote

three top selling relationship books, "How Good Is Sex?", “Change Him... In 100 pages,” and "Love Is

Not An STD". He is also the youngest (27) Alumni of the year award recipient at Palm Beach State Col-

lege for his work in HIV/AIDS. Yet, his highest achievement occurred April 6th, 2014 by marrying his

dream woman. He is proof, that no matter how your life starts, you can change the middle and alter

the ending. His story has inspired many and continues to be a reason why some believe their yesterday

won't dictate their tomorrow because they've made a decision to live

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Unsigned Starlet Cooper Phillip

is so hot, I thought she was al-

ready signed. If you don’t be-

lieve me just listen to her for


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Picture courtesy of Royce Lovett

Singing sweet melodies like a sea-

soned superstar, Sera Hill amazed

fans and judges on Season 2 of

NBC’s The Voice. During her

blind audition, she was the

only artist to sing with her

coach, Christina Aguilera in an

impromptu duet. The TV show

and subsequent television ap-

pearances allowed her to

reach millions of viewers and

gain many fans worldwide.

Sera had the opportunity to

showcase her talents on Jay

Leno, and became a staple in

Atlanta's music scene. Sera is

currently releasing her Single

Love Galaxy!

SERA HILL– Love Galaxy

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Contact Sera Hill at



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Written By: Steven Jennings

From Expanding Passion Copyright ©


One August night,

Late summer's eve,

I heard a voice,

my little king.

White crumpled shirt,

and blue dungarees,

with a chocolate milkshake,

stained on his tee.

Oh how I smiled,

at my own little me.

When he threw a curveball,

in which I didn't see.

He said, "Daddy! Daddy!"

and he did add “Please!”

"Please tell me about

those birds and those bees?"

Little man had to be,

nearly 4 years old.

How could I lie?

And be so cold.

His small sweet face,

his innocent soul.

One day I would tell him,

we all need to know.

But that moment it was easier,

to react than to think.

I said, "Son, birds fly,

and the bees, just sting!"

The Birds and The Bees

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Written by Steven Jennings

Layout by Steven Jennings

Created by Steven Jennings
