Cinematography miss s


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CinematographySAW V

Extreme close up

This shot shows the eyes and doesn’t show anything in the background. This shot shows the character is peaking through a hole to look what's in front of him.

close up

This shot shows the emotion of the character. He looks distressed and uncomfortable and it looks like he might be trapped in some kind of cage.

Medium shot

This shot shows his body and his action. It also shows some props in the video like the chains that the character has.

Long shot

This gives us information of the location. We can see that its some kind of surgery room and there's dead people on the floor with blood which links to the genre of the film.

Extreme long shot

This shot shows the location of one of the rooms in the film. The film shows us that the location is old, dirty and rusty.

High angle shot

We are looking down at the character and she is dead on the floor. It looks like she has been killed with amount of blood loss this is a typical convention of a horror which is blood and gore.

Low angle shot

It is slightly below eye level. This shows the main character is important in the film and he is the most dominating character in the scene.


• At the start of the film it goes straight into someone dying but after however from that guy getting killed it takes a while to get into the story. So overall the pace of the film is very fast at the beginning and end but quite slow in between.


• Cuts- The cuts in the opening sequence is between the man chained up and the TV. This shows that something bad is going to happen because they show the facial expressions of the guy and he is scared while jigsaw(clown on TV) looks calm hinting that he is the one organizing the killing.


• Zoom shot is where the camera moves away or close using lens. This shows importance to of the character or object.


• A movement which scans a scene horizontally. The camera is placed on a tripod, which operates as a stationary axis point as the camera is turned, often to follow a moving object which is kept in the middle of the frame.

• It is used mostly in the film when characters are speaking and the camera is moving from one to another.


• A movement which scans a scene vertically, otherwise similar to a pan. They used this type of movement when they showed some of the deaths to show what is happening to them.

Mise en scene

This shot shows what and who is the scene. For e.g. the tv in the corner, the light on the ceiling which suggest it’s a horror because the rest of the room is dark.


The setting shows where most of the movie is in for e.g. the saw is set mostly inside in a layer.


This costume is what the actors are wearing. In this film there is a man in a clown mask this suggest it’s a horror because clowns scare most people.

Figure expression

This shows the emotion of the person face. So the man in this shot is scared and is trying to get out of he chains he has got on him which suggests something bad is going to happen.


This prop is an axe in the film. This shows this axe is going to do something bad because of the genre of the film which is a horror.

Sound- Diegetic

• The start of the film you hear the sound of thunder and lightening. This shows the start of the film is dark which reflects the man lying on a slab in the dark.


• Before the thunder and lightening played in the film. They use this spooky music in the background to create a scary and tense atmosphere before the start of the film.


Performance is the physical and vocal expression between two characters. This can tell a lot about the characters relationships in the film.