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CONVENTIONS OF Official pop artist


conventions• Artistic photo• Shop link• Music link• Social network links• Push new album• Charity• Tour dates• News• Media archives• Theme

• Fans• Other portfolios

Use of artistic photography

Having a professional and artistic photograph is essential to pop stars as they rely mainly on their image to stay on top of their game. In these examples, Beyonce’s website uses a lot of large HD photos as back grounds for her pages and drop boxes which keeps her image very bold and central to her ever changing looks. Rihanna’s on the other hand, takes a more scrap book style with most of her photos being Photoshopped, cropped and vectored so that they all come together and reflect her crafty, versatile, ever changing look.

Shop links Almost every pop star has a merchandise

shop link on their website. the fans that will buy the products to feel they are supporting the artist and also usually to start trends. But its only ever appealing if the web page appear to have had some effort put in for example; Justin Timberlake's merchandise page is very neat.

Its organised into separate categories with typical photos displaying the products which gives the customer more efficient experience. On the other hand, Beyonce's display has a more artistic designer look with the larger photos in addition to the search filter categories, it gives the impression that the items are fewer but higher quality where as Justin's layout give the impression that there is meant to be more items for sale than there actually are.


The music section of the websites tend to be the archive of albums and features related to the artist..Justin Timberlake's is rather simple, displaying all the albums and singles he's done and featured in. And shows the release dates as you hover over each album cover.

Beyonce's is much more basic as she has less music out, however she fills the space with large photos with the release dates of the albums to compensate.

Rihanna’s is pretty similar to Justin Timberlake's but shows the dramatic image changes she has made throughout her career also has the option to and sing along with lyrics which is rather unusual but nonetheless an attractive addition to the page.

Social network links

For most of the artist websites you will see the small list of social network logos which are direct links to the artist official social network page.Katy Perry is a good example of the few artists that put a live twitter feed on their page along side the logo links, to maintain a strong interactive link between herself and her fans.
