I am wonder woman




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I am Wonder WomanBy: Joanna

Background Info:

* Mother’s name was Hippolyta. * First child born on Paradise Island.* Sister is Donna Troy *Real name is Princess Diana of Themyscira. * Only knew Themyscira, a mixed of Greek and Turkish

Queen HoppolytaDiana’s mom

Wonder Woman's sister Donna

More info

*Mother molded a piece of clay into Wonder woman and some gods gave it life

* Demeter gave her strength, Athena wisdom and courage, Artemis, a hunter's heart and a communion with animals, Aphrodite beauty and a loving heart, Hestia sisterhood with fire, and Hermes, speed and the power of flight.

*They were known as the Amazons.

The gods said they needed to sent someone to the man’s land*Diana was the one who got to go *Was sent with the Lasso of Truth *Was also sent with the sandals of Hermes *Sandals of Hermes where used to travel anywhere * Diana was sent to defeat a mad plot by Ares to destroy the world

Stayed with Dr. Julia Kapatelis, and her daughter, Vanessa Kapatelis, as well as the Air Force Officers Steve Trevor and Etta Candy.*Learned English with them * Was attacked by Ares minors, where the public forst saw her and named her Wonder Woman!*Defeated Ares’es plan and was sent home by Poseidon

Wonder Woman had become part of the Justice League of America * Wonder Girl, then Donna Troy, was Diana's pupil and she had join the Teen Titans. *Diana, with Batman, Flash, and Aquaman supported the teens to team-up.

Wonder Woman!!!

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