Lethal Seasons - Apocalyptic Science Fiction Novel



Book trailer Lethal Seasons - Book One of A Changed World Series. Publication date for print and ebook: August 8, 2014 Ebook available for pre-order at Barnes and Noble, iTunes and Kobo

Citation preview

Extreme weather hammered our

country for decades before we

accepted the change and began

the massive reconstruction of

our infrastructure, which also

took decades.

The virus changed the world


Ten years out, we are still

struggling to adapt.


is failing

Animals are dying out

Nick counts survivors.

It’s been ten years since the virus started paring down the human population. Every summer, like

an early flu season, it comes back and takes more.

Shattered by season after

season of death

Nick travels the country to find communities that might barter for

essentials and tries to get a headcount of those remaining.

When every person left alive is

essential for the survival of the

human race . . .

. . . a murder is especially


With the help of a fugitive biobot and stolen weapons, Nick must discover why someone would send teams of

mercenaries to track and kill children.

Even if it brings them right to his doorstep.

Available August 2014

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All There Is . . . And The Rest of It


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