Music video types


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Music video types


Greenday-wake me up when September ends

. Narrative dialogue there are a couple sat in a field on a warm summer evening the scene

set is love and they promise each other they will never leave.

. The editing technique is shot reverse shot.

.the editing technique when the band are first shown is an extreme close up off the lead


.Montage editing when it goes back to the couple it is a series of shots that show them

together happy and at different stages of the day.

.It thenreverts to shot reverse shot and use narrative enigma to hold the viewer in

suspense. It shows he has joined the army and then shows a montage of war and switches

between her and him.

Mise en scene means everything that you see in the frame

Physically the actors-love scene

High key lighting-summer

Setting-field, countryside and then battlefield later on

Beyoncé ft jay-z crazy love


Gender-she dresses provocatively she objectifies herself by wearing the clothes she she

empowered or objectified?


Race-she is poor and then when jay-z enters the frame she suddenly becomes rich whichj

could be seen as she is owned by the black male

Violence-jay-z first enters the shot and blows up a car this could be a negative

representation of young black men

Post modernism and music video

Post modern media borrows copies from other forms of media

Pastiche-a performer or artist will pay homage to another performer or artist from the past

Parody-where an artist’s mock another artist’s work in a satirical way

Buddy hollynirvana

This mis en scene is similar and nirvana parody buddy holly


Where one piece of media refers to another

Starsky and hutch 1970’s cop show

This a music video parody done by the beasty boys in

the music video sabotage

Paying homage with the same kinds of hand


wrecking ball is pastiche of Sinead O’Connors nothing

compares to you