Of Mice and Men Vocab



This is a PowerPoint presentation to be used when studying vocabulary words for Of Mice and Men. The words are pronounced and defined, and interesting animations and sound effects are included.

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Of Mice and MenVocabulary

recumbent(ri kum' bent)

adj. lying down

morosely(mƏ ros' le)

adv. in a gloomy way


v. looked angry or threatening


(mäl' Ə fid')

v. calmed; soothed; pacified

pugnacious(pug na' shƏs)

adj. tending to pick fights

ominously(äm' Ə nƏs le)

adv. threateningly; in a way that suggests bad things to come

derision(di rizh' Ən)

n. scorn

euchre(yoo kƏr)

n. card game similar to bridge


(nô' ing)v. cutting and wearing away by biting

solitaire(säl' Ə ter')

n. card game played by one person

aloof(Ə loof')

adj. distant in one’s manner; reserved

liniment(lin' Ə mƏnt)

n. medicated liquid rubbed on the skin in order to soothe soreness or inflammation

taloned(tal' Ənd)

adj. clawed

alfalfa(al fal' fƏ)

n. plant grown mainly to feed animals

complacently(kƏm pla' sƏnt le)

adv. in a way that shows too much satisfaction with oneself

bewildered(be wil' dƏrd)

adj. hopelessly confused; puzzled


(mät' ’ld)adj. marked with blotches, streaks, or spots of different colors or shades

belligerently(bƏ lij Ər Ənt le)

adv. in a way that shows a willingness or readiness to fight

scuttled(skut' ’ld)

v. ran or moved quickly; scurried


(mƏ nät' ’n Əs)adj. going on in the same tone with little or no variation