Passive Voice




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Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.– Example: My bike was stolen.

In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it.

Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows:– Example: A mistake was made.

In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.).

Form of the Passive Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd

column of irregular verbs).– Example: A letter was written.

When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:– the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of

the passive sentence.

– the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle).

– the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped).


TENSE ACTIVE PASSIVEPr. Simple The singer writes many songs Many songs are written by the singer

Past Simple The singer wrote many songs Many songs were written by the singer

Future Simple The singer will write many songs Many songs will be written by the singer

Pres. Contin. The singer is writing many songs Many songs are being written by the singer

Past Contin. The singer was writing many songs Many songs were being written by the singer

TENSE ACTIVE PASSIVEPres. Perf. Simp The singer has written many songs Many songs have

been written by the singer

Past Perf. Simp. The singer had written many songs Many songs had been written by the singer

Modals The singer should write song Many songs should be written by the singer

Modal Perfects The singer must have written songs Many songs must have been written by the singer

Have to The singer has to write many songs Many songs have to be written by the singer

Be going to The singer is going to write songs Many songs are going to be written by the singer

Affirmative: – verb to be + past participle of main verb

• That film was directed by Spielberg

Negative: – We only have to add not to auxiliary to be

• That film was not directed by Spielberg

Interrogative: – Questions start with to be.

• Was that film directed by Spielberg?

– If the questions include a modal or another auxiliary, the questions start with it

• Should the job be finished by Monday?

• Have any new bands been discovered lately?

How do we change a sentence into passive?

Verb to be goes in the same tense as the main verb in the active sentence– They sold their house last week

Their house was sold last week Place as a subject the first object after the verb in

the active, either direct or indirect. – We will give a present to James at the party

A present will be given to James at the party– We will give James a present at the party

James will be given a present at the party.

– If the indirect object is a pronoun, it must be changed for its subject form

• They showed me their last albumI was shown their last album

– This is usually done with verbs like give, show, tell, ask, offer, pay, promise, lend, sell and send, who carry double object.

The subject of the active goes at the end of the passive after by, and if it is a personal pronoun, we have to change it for its object form– Many rock stars have held concerts here

Concers have been held here by many rock stars– He is likely to win a Grammy award next year

A Grammy award is likely to be won by him next year. When the subject is obvious, unknown or it’s not

worth mention it, it can be dropped. – In this hotel, the rooms are cleaned every day

It is said that/(he) is said to

With verbs like say, think, believe, know or report is possible to use two forms of passive

Impersonal IT followed by a that-clause + subj + vb– It is said that Eric Clapton is a great musician– It is known that many pop singers come from

England Subject + passive vb + infinitive

– Eric Clapton is said to be a great musician– That band is known to have an awful singer.

Have/Get + Something Done

Have/get + Noun + participle express actions we ask others to do. – I’m going to have/get my hair cut– I got my car repaired yesterday

Get is more informal, usual in oral English. – We got our house painted last week.