Pr3 producer audience_tasks




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P3 describe the relationship between producers and film audiences with some appropriate use of subject terminology

M3 explain the relationshipbetween producers and filmaudiences with reference todetailed illustrative examplesand generally correct use ofsubject terminology

D3 comprehensively explainthe relationship between producers and film audienceswith elucidated examplesand consistently using subjectterminology correctly


Producer and Audience: Analyse the Marketing Campaign of Iron Man 3


Here is where you use knowledge from previous units and apply them to film. You need to make a podcast for a film magazine’s website on the production and marketing of a

blockbuster movie. The following must be covered:

How the producer considered the target audience during production. The publicity and marketing strategy for the film

Codes & Conventions

Reception and Star Theory Anchorage

Types of audience feedback

Please provide statistics to support your points and illustrate your article with images of stars from the

films you write about, as well as movie posters.

Introduction: Explain how and why different audiences are targeted by film producers (1 paragraph)

Part 1:

Provide a synopsis of the film Iron man 3 (1 paragraph)

And also give the information below: (1 paragraph)

What is the target audience of Iron Man 3? Genre Year of production Director Producer Distributor Box office takings Budget Box office takings UK release date

Part 2: Give detail about how the film Iron man 3 was MARKETED. Give detail about the contrasting methods of marketing, for example:

T.V. Web 2.0 such as file sharing and social network sites (You Tube/Facebook) Cinema Billboards Posters Newspapers Magazines (interviews/reviews) The Internet (cinema film listings/review pages) The internet (official web pages) Word of mouth

Part 3

Write a third and fourth paragraph which answers the following. Refer to the articles included at the bottom of this brief

How has the audience for Iron Man 3 been targeted by the producer?

Explain the term ‘anchorage’? (Google ‘Media terms anchorage’)

The media term ‘anchorage’ means to fix something to something else, for example the advertisements for the new Iron Man film such as posters on sides of buses or on billboards uses Iron Man himself as the main image. The reason why this is called anchorage is because the audience of Iron Man is ‘anchored’ because of the company that produces the Iron Man films which is Marvel is very famous therefore expectation of how good the film is going to be makes its target audience pay to see it. This chain carries on and on by word of mouth and many other ways.

Look at the Iron Man 3 poster below and identify the text which is used to anchor the Audience. Explain how it anchors the audience.

The main image which is ‘Iron Man’ captures the audience’s attention and straight away without even having to read any writing the expectation of a great film begins to be talked about and spread around the public mainly by word of mouth.

What research methods would a producer use to find information about the target audience, before a film goes into production? Think about your own methods of research

Iron man 3 Articles