Q5 evaluation


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Q5-EvaluationMatt Popli

Target AudienceAged between 15-24. starts at 15 as our film is age certificate 15. the range of 15-24 is because research shows that the average age of people who watch Thrillers are 15/18-24

The Target Audience would mainly be Male

Mix of old teenagers and young adults

Attracting & Addressing our Audience

The constant use of Tension, suspense and mystery throughout our opening I feel attracts our audience.

Tension and suspense caused by mainly sound and editing such as fast cuts at the end with overlapping sound clips of the news reporter created chaos and tension. The soundtrack I created which is constantly in the opening helps to create an effective ambiance of tension. The plot helped to attract the audience as it could easily create tension through a plot where a disease that was supposedly a cure was mutating its victims.

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Attracting & Addressing our Audience

Mystery, a key tool to attract Thriller–seekers was used within our opening. Little information of the film would have been advertised about the story of the film. Once the audience had watched the opening they would still be on a cliffhanger to what would happen thus creating a mystery. They would be captivated to carry on watching the film to find out the rest of the story.

Attracting & Addressing our Audience

Our opening would not appeal to other audiences such as horror and romance as there is no focus on passion or emotion in our opening which is most commonly found in a romance film. There is no focus on fear or death (with in majority showing blood in shots) which is most commonly found in a horror.

Those interested in horrors and romance would not be attracted as our focus was on Tension, suspense and mystery.

Audience Feedback

Our audience were aged within our target audience and were 16-18

Audience Feedback

• Our audience watched our opening and were asked a series of questions

• The views came back that they thought it was a Thriller just from seeing the opening. They backed up their thought by saying the music and fast cuts and overlapping sounds created suspense.