Shuzana taylor swift analysis


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A mid shot is used here to show that a college girl is walking past, almost as she knows who he is and flash backs start, also referring back to the lyrics ‘we were both young when i first saw you’.

A long shot of the mise en scene has been used, this is a reflective image of the mise en scene as it is very significant to the song as by this mise en scene the audience can gather it has a fairy tale ending also it reflects back to the lyrics of the song.

A long shot has been used on Taylor who is the princess in the love song by this shot the audience can gather she is in search for her prince to come and rescue her. Also this is also a very significant shot as it shows clear image of the mise en scene.

A close up shot has been used to show how she is feeling, normally in different occasions of love songs a close up shot is used to show the subjects feelings and emotions, and from this close up we can gather what she maybe in search for.

A high angle shot has been used to reflect back on the lyrics ‘see the party, see the ball gowns’ this is a clear image of the mise en scene and has been used effectively.

A low angle shot has been used to show flashbacks of what they had done in the past and how they first had met.

A mid shot has been used, also a horse has been used in this shot, to show a fairy tale ending, the mise en scene and the usage of a horse pulls together of being that romantic happy ending that every princess gets and makes the audience think that something good is going to happen as a white horse has been used.

A mid shot has been used to show that a prince has come to save the princess, and he is in search for his princess and eventually he finds her.

A high angle shot has been used as her lover has come to rescue, the fact that she is wearing a Tudor dress and running of a balcony looking staircase puts a fairy tale ending to it.

An over the shoulder shot has been used to show that in this part of the scene they are running to each other as it would happen in a love story.

A low angle close up shot has been used where the prince says to the princess ‘marry me Juliet’ this song was based upon a Romeo and Juliet love story, which led on to a fairy tale ending. From this shot the audience can gather that they both live happily ever after.

In this part of the love story the flash backs stop and they both hit reality, and as they remember through the flashbacks they unite together and kiss.