Tenaran Prosperity Challenge Round 2



Round 2 of my Prosperity Challenge for fun.

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Welcome back to the town of Tenaran Falls. We’re back for week two which just so happens to feature the Goodie family. Everyone say hello to the super nice Herbert Goodie.

Of course Herbert didn’t start the rotation as a warlock. Instead he was just a normal old retired guy when I plopped him into the hood. But he pretty much rolled the want to become a warlock instantly and I was like sure why not!

“Ee Gads Jasymn a family of children is being threatened by the dark order? Of course I’ll come out of retirement.”

“I’m so glad you were willing to come back to the order Herbert. It just hasn’t been the same without you.”

“You know Faith and I could never just let the dark order harm a bunch of innocent kids.”

And so Herbert Goodie became Herbert the Nice Warlock. So fitting considering he does the creepy nice guy smile all the time.

His beloved Faith seems perfectly okay with her husband re committing himself to a magical order.

And with adopting 6 orphaned children at once. Yes I know I’ve got a lot of orphans in this hood, but I’ve never played the Newsons or the Goodies before so I decided to just throw them all together in one house.

Gavin, the eldest is the resident cook. Seriously he cooks all the meals. I guess he really is used to raising his siblings.

And his twin sister Ginger really is like a second mom. I’m always finding her dancing with one of her sisters or playing games with them. I also see her autonomously cleaning the house a lot. Man these 2 teens are the most responsible I’ve ever played.

Faith seems a little sad she doesn’t get to do much “parenting”

Georgia’s a bit of a lone wolf. I hardly ever see her spending time with anyone. She’s usually found playing on the merry go round all alone.

Gallagher and Gabriella are inseparable. They even have the same pre-destined hobby tinkering. Yeah they lived on the activity table. Also Gabi does have a bit of a mean streak. I still love her though.

I decided pretty early on that at least one of the Newson kids would end up becoming magical. I made a rule that only the kids that became friends with a witch on free will would be eligible. Gallagher here was the first to show “magical” potential.

Poor Garrett keeps passing out. He is so interested in stargazing. Like seriously interested.

He’s going to maximize the science hobby quickly this one. I can tell. And ya know these hobby leaders are just a little bit creepy.

Despite her somewhat mean spirited attitude at times Gabi is quite popular. She seems to bring someone home from school every single day. Tina Traveller is the most frequent visitor. The two girls soon become best friends.

Speaking of Tina she’s part of the third controllable family in the hood. She lives with her parents in a small cabin across town. She adores the violin.

She’s also a complete daddy’s girl.

And she and Isaiah Gavigan (part of the 4 and final family in my hood) spend every day after school together.

He’s over at the Traveller house every weekend too. So is Gabi. She and Isaiah seem to get along alright.

Like her twin brother, Gabi may also have magical potential though it’s less clear since Jasymn can’t really get a chance to interview the child to make a final determination.

Oh wow look the Lone Wolf is actually spending time with a person. She and Gavin get along quite well actually. Course I do suppose Gavin did raise her and he seems like an awesome big brother.

Ginger and Gavin continue to be responsible. I mean it’s sweet, but like these two can have a life of their own now. Herbert and Faith are more than capable and willing to dote on their siblings.

At least Ginger does at least take a little time to have a little fun from time to time. Gavin though he seems to be all work and no play. We’re gonna have to work on that.

Just so everyone is aware Faith is sweet and great with the Newson kids. Especially Ginger. The two spend a lot of time together. I’m always finding them swapping jokes.

And yes Gabi is picking on Garrett there in the background. *sigh* Her geeky little brother seems to be her favorite target for her lack of nice points.

Awww look Georgia and her twin are actually spending some quality time together. Garrett’s kind of a loner too, but I don’t really see him as a wolf. Ya know?

Gallagher becomes friends with Tina Traveller on his last day of childhood via phone conversation. And to think I thought she was calling Gabi.

Ginger and Gavin throw their siblings a party in the back yard. In my head Gavin baked those cakes and I can see Ginger going out and making sure the kids had balloons.

*jaw hits floor*

Wow Gallagher turned out really cute. Like seriously. He rolled Popularity with the LTW of having 20 Best Friends. That’s so incredibly fitting.

And Gabi is super cute too. Geez these Newson kids are adorable.

Gabi also rolled Romance with the LTW of being a Space Pirate. *giggles* Again so fitting.

And just across town Tina Traveller was having her birthday. Isaiah of course was in attendance.

And Tina grew up beautifully as well. She rolled Popularity with the LTW of Becoming a General.

And so ends rotation 2. When we come back we’ll be stopping in with the Gavigan’s. However, I added them to the rotation late since Isaiah just started coming home with everyone so we’ll be starting with his teen years.

See you all soon.
