The battle of the books


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The Battle of the Books


How Tia Lola Came To Stay

Welcome To America!!!

The Penderwicks

Summer Greetings!!!

The World According To Humphrey

Squeak, squeak, squeak, if you like it!

The Summer of the Swans

Sunset and the Swans!

Dear Mr. Henshaw

Be sure to check the mail!

Extra Credit

Do your homework!

Free Baseball

Make it Home!

Kenny and the Dragon

Not as Evil as you Think!

A Strong Right Arm

Believe in Yourself

Princess Academy

Even a mountain girl can be a princess.

Turtle in Paradise

Every story has a happy ending.


Polio can’t keep us down!

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

If you have a question, ask the old man of

the Moon.


No toys in the fish tank!



The Cricket in Times Square

What's a cricket doing here?

The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912

The Dollhouse Murders

Watch out for the dollhouse!