The Sanderson Apocalypse Chapter 3



The story continues, more restrictions are lifted, and we meet the first few members of generation 4.

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The Sanderson Apocalypse – Chapter 3

Welcome to the third chapter of the Sanderson Apocalypse. So far, we’re into generation three (story wise, generation 4’s last couple of

kids have just been born in game). This part of the story jumps in before Katheleen read her grandmother’s diary and before she talked

to her mother. That last part happened way later in the storyline. This part, told by myself, takes place from when Christine and Katheleen were teenagers (Christine pictured above on the left) until Katheleen

and Nadia’s conversation about the previous events..

Just so you know, I have configured the game to allow me to have as many as 15 sims in one household. I promise not to use this to cheat. In reality, I’m only allowing for 9-10 sims to be in an apocalypse house

so that I can bunch the college house together or keep the spares together (spoiler).

“Hmph,” Steven grunted.

“What’s wrong, Uncle Steven?” Katheleen asked as she read a cookbook her mother had written.

“Kat, it just isn’t fair; your mother is a romance Sim, but she got to have a family and lift a family related career while I’m wanting 3 kids so they can one day graduate from college and had to lift a romance

related career.”

“Uncle Steven, you know that when Christy lifts military, you, her and Uncle Clark can all move out and have children of your own, right?”

“Yes, but I’ll be old by that time.”

“It doesn’t matter as long as you’re still fertile… you will be, won’t you?”

“Kat, you are one awkward teenager…”

The night after Nadia Sanderson became an elder, her husband Bruce joined her in that final stage of life. From this author’s perspective, he honestly didn’t wind up bad looking when it came to clothing matching

his life’s ambition. Trust me; you’re going to see worse as the story continues.

After getting my last chance to control the old guy so he could retire (your lift was USEFUL, Steven), Nadia and Bruce began to enjoy the

retired life together where they could do whatever they wanted without me worrying about another pregnancy.

Now as a note, if you’re wondering why I’m not being all plotty with the story, right now none of my sims can hear me because only the current reigning heir who is a non-elder has that ability to an extra restriction I placed on Pet Service. Once that’s unlocked, communication between myself and my sims can be rebuilt. Don’t ask me why, when I thought of this I just played off of the “can’t control elders” bit to fit the entire


“Hey, Christy,” Katheleen whispered to her older sister, “we’re still going by the plan, right?”

“You mean me rebuilding the military and you rebuilding education?”


“Of course.”

“Well, you may want to work on achieving your dream pretty soon; Uncle Steven really wants to have kids and isn’t too sure he can pull it

off as an elder.”

“No promises, sis.”

Like most birthdays during a challenge, Christine’s came the night after her father’s. This also means that this chapter will have lots of birthdays, so just scan through them as quickly as you can without

reading the text; you won’t miss anything that’s important.

Christine, surprisingly, grew up into something suitable for her character: a sweater and jeans. Perfect for somebody in an

apocalypse where music hasn’t been lifted yet.

I’ve been reading ladylarkrune’s old apocalypse and picked up on that newspaper tip of hers. It was the easiest way to get Christy into

military since all I had to do was get a character to check the paper once a day for the job and shove it into their inventory. Yay for


Due to some time to kill, Christine began working out more so she could have ten body skill points as soon as possible for her career.

“Have you topped military, yet?” Steven asked grumpily.

“No, Uncle Steven; I just started working on it.”

“Well hurry up; I only have 10 or so years left before senility.”

Christine rose through the ranks of the military shortly after joining due to her plethora of skills that allowed her to get easy promotions. And the fact that her wants mainly involve becoming BFFs with her family

members. Thank goodness for popularity sims.

“Hey mom,” Katheleen began speaking to her mother over a game of chess, “do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching us?”

Nadia froze with a pawn in her hand, “No. Never, and if you think that there’s some sort of ‘creator’ out there then you’re crazy.”

“Jeez, mom, I was just asking.”

“Well don’t.”

“If there was a ‘creator’ out there, then he would talk to us instead of letting our brains turn into fried eggs worrying that he- or she- is

watching our every move.”

“So you don’t believe in there being a ‘creator’?”

“Not one bit.”

You lying b***h.

“Well, I think that there always could be the possibility of a creator out there. I mean, you can never be too sure of anything. I guess we’ll

never know.”

“I guess we can’t.”

*insert mumbled rambling here*

“I look good.”

I wish I could respond to them…

Next up on our big list of events was Katheleen and Clark aging up to their next life stages.

Although you can’t hear me Clark, you will be your old, flattering self in no time.

First of all, we have Katheleen growing up into her quite fitting knowledge sim attire. Honestly, this girl knows how to dress. I’m quite

proud of her.

And then there’s Clark, who returned to his non blown up face thanks to maxis glitches that I haven’t bothered to fix.

His clothing choice is decent. I can’t lie; I’m actually starting to enjoy the clothes they choose for themselves. It makes me feel that Show

Business should remain one of the later restrictions that I lift.

After flipping through one of my inventoried papers, Katheleen finds her job in education and the seat next to her being taken by a random


“I believe in you, Ms Sanderson. You will bring back education.”

“Who are you and how did you get into our house?”

Katheleen also meets and falls in love with Joe Carr, who, although I had originally planned for the next spouse to top Law Enforcement,

enticed me to lift Athletic next. Why?

Well, I think it had to do with him being two promotions away from lifting the career altogether. This would mean that I could redesign the

family home (with the objects I have) so that it was more functional.

A couple of days later and *poof*, Athletic is unlocked and I can now: Have exercise equipment

Move objects bigger than one square Just be generally glad that another restriction is down and out

So let’s look at the redesigned house:

Upper level with the career rewards (medical was moved up there later and military has yet to be placed due to it’s size).

Lowest level

Second floor

Third floor

To make it official, Katheleen proposed to Joe after he lifted athletic.

“Aw, isn’t this sweet,” Steven cooed, “I just wish I’ll be able to get married before I’m old. Someone better hurry up and become a

general… Christine…”

After a short and private ceremony (and yes, I put them in their formal clothing… sue me if you want to, Show Business says I’m

allowed to have a small closet/wardrobe for clothing that the family has sewn or is auto-attached to Sims such as the formal wear), Kat and Joe began work on creating child number 1. And trust me, this won’t be the only kid they have in this generation… mwahahahaha!

Why did I do that laugh? I mean, she’s part family sim, too, so of course she wants lots of kids.

Michelle’s ghost hears the news about her great-grandchildren coming, so she decides to visit the house.

“Creator, you don’t need to narrate for me, you know.”

I know, but- wait, you can hear me?

“I’m dead, so I no longer count under restrictions other than paranormal.”

And you know about the challenge?

“You told me about it before I left my island college, remember?”

Not really.

As life in the Sanderson house moved on, everything stopped when a familiar face found itself upon its doorstep. Joseph “Joey” Comb

was the head of the mafia in the land and had been extorting money from the family ever since Michelle had agreed to pay up in order for her laws to be followed. Now, he had returned once again

to the family home, intentions unknown to those who dwelled inside.

“Well, well, well, you seem to be a pretty new face,” Joey said with a sleazy charm that had one over Michelle Sanderson all those years

ago, “Do you happen to be related to the beautiful Michelle Sanderson?”

“Yes,” Katheleen replied, “I’m her granddaughter.”

“Her granddaughter? Well, I should have known, since you don’t look a day over sixteen.”

Katheleen was silent.

“Ya know, most girls fall for my charm in a matter of seconds. What’s the matta with you, lady?”

Kathleen scoffed, “I happen to have some self-respect, Mr-“

“Comb. Joseph Comb. But everyone calls me Joey.”

Suddenly a light went off in Katheleen’s head, “Oh, you’re the lazy slob of a mobster who extorts money from civilians because you’re too much a dirt sack to get a real job like the rest of us, even when my uncle happened to make it so that you can take vacation days.”

“Well, I see that my fame precedes me.”


“You aren’t famous at all! I only know you because my grandmother once explained to me why we were paying a bum like you money. She also told me that one day someone in our family is

bound to overthrow your disgusting, greasy ass because of us getting sick of working with you. And frankly, I hope that day

comes soon because I can no longer stand looking at your scruffy, pug-like face. I don’t think I even could stand it when I first saw you

come down the street.”

“Well Ms Sanderson, I can see that you are a very strong and self-made woman with a lot of opinions.

It’s too bad that I have to power to tell the world how corrupt your grandmother was for striking a deal with the mafia. It wouldn’t be

pretty since it would involve the law collapsing around your family’s feet. All that work your family put in to restore society would be

done with since everyone would lose hope again.”

Katheleen gawked for a moment before answering Joey, “Fine, what do you want me to do.”

“Twice the amount your family pays now is forwarded to me once a week and I’ll keep my pug-mouth shut.”


“Thank you for doing business with me, Ms Sanderson. It’s been a pleasure.”

Like her grandmother all those years ago, Katheleen regretted her decision.

Shortly after the incident with Joey, the second restriction of the chapter was lifted by Christine. Now Sims can:

Go to community lots (teens and elders must have maxed body skill)

Move out Invite over non lover Sims (Bruce and later Joe were both

hailed by on the sidewalk before falling in love with their respective wives and later falling in love before moving in)

A shocking reveal also shows that Katheleen is now pregnant with her first child. What a twist!


Okay, so I randomized a wife for Steven so he could have his wish of being a dad. I couldn’t move him out via the computer because of Science restrictions and I couldn’t move him out via the newspaper due to Journalism restrictions so I had him move in with this lady… I

have totally forgotten her name, sorry.

The house they live in does follow all the restrictions that I’ve unlocked so far. It’s off the ground and has no electronic or party things that

haven’t been unlocked or can be used as typewriters.

Oh, and Clark and Christine are also moving in. Welcome to the spare house, home of every spare that lived in the family home prior to military being unlocked. What, I told you about that bigger family

configuration, right?

So as a note to Steven, even though you can’t hear me, I’m looking out for you and hoping that you have the best possible life. I’ll play you

when I need some more kids in the neighbourhood…which will be soon, so just wait for a bit.

Back at home base, a new career object was added to the collection: the mysterious bookcase. Ooooooohhhh….

As Katheleen went up the education career track, so did her baby belly.

So much so that she wound up giving birth right after work.

After a short labour, Katheleen held her first born daughter in her hands: Dawn Sanderson. Dawn has her father’s hair while she sports

her grandfather’s eyes and skinetone. Her personality is 2/8/8/2/7 making her a nice, serious, active, outgoing slob.

Once Dawn was put to bed, Joe and Katheleen begin work on baby number 2.

Before being able to show any signs of pregnancy, Katheleen manages to top the education career in no time. For anyone wondering how I did this so quickly, it was mainly just sending sims back to work as

soon as possible. So with education unlocked, I now can: Send teens to school

Re-open colleges Not select a secondary aspiration for teenagers

By the time Katheleen did show pregnancy signs, it was time for Dawn to grow up into toddlerhood.

And be officially cute. I swear, I have no idea where I got this hair, but I want to thank whoever made it because I love it so much on



Unbeknownst to the family, a visitor had decided to arrive on Dawn’s transition into toddlerhood.

“Joey, get out of my home and stay away from my daughter,” Katheleen barked.

Dawn let out a squeal of fear.

“Calm down, you hormonal broad; you’ll scare the kid more than you already have.”

“Look, Joey, the money is in the mailbox if you want it.”

“Nah, I’d much rather stay here. You’ve got a lovely family, ya know?”

“Get to the point.”

“Well, if you’re gonna be payin’ me more money, I’d like to get to know them. Whaddya say, Dawn, would you like to get to know


“Teddy bear!”

Joey laughed, “Well, at least she can find a better name for me than pug-faced.”

Joey began to think to himself, “If anyone ever overthrows me, I’d hope it’ll be this little lady down here. I get the feelin’ she could be

a little lawless.”

With nothing else to do with her spare time, Katheleen began writing novels on the old computer that she had managed to find in

an abandoned high school when she rebuild the educational system.

With all the time she was able to put in, Katheleen managed to max out all of her skills and complete her lifetime want.

Although most things were peaceful in the house, Bruce and Joe managed to carry on the tradition of one generation beating up the other. This began with Bruce and Michelle years ago. Maybe Bruce

is just an angry guy, I don’t really know. He just seems to fight a lot.

Another non-peaceful event was the number of sims who would knock down the trash can. Getting fed up with the roaches (since I unlocked medical a long time ago), I decided to move the garbage

can and place a gate around it. Rules say that, under Natural Science, I can place fences but not walls and, because I unlocked

Politics, I have free range to build wherever I want on the lot. So if anyone wants a tip for the apocalypse challenge, here it is!

“Cootchie, cootchie, coo! Nana’s gonna tickle you, Dawn!”

“Nana, don’t! No tickles!”

Did I mention that Dawn is CUTE?

“Argh!” Katheleen screamed in pain, “Baby, baby, baby!”

“Alright, coming dear.”

Welcome to the world little Bianca Sanderson. With a mixed skin tone and her father’s hair and eyes, Bianca sports a personality of

10/10/9/3/1 making her a mean, serious, active, outgoing neat-freak.

Bianca was promptly put to sleep and the work on baby number 3 commenced. Did I happen to mention that this generation is going

to have a ton of kids? I did? Oh, alright then.

And I think that that fact has managed to warp Katheleen’s Knowledge/Family mind.

“Kat, I read your previous book and it’s about us.”

“Yes, and?”

“Well, it details how we conceived Bianca.”


“Well, I just don’t feel comfortable with you writing about our every woohoo.”

“But I’m making money!”

“And I’m the fortune sim here.”

Katheleen began to show the signs of her pregnancy. Also, that book is one of her erotic novels. Please note the inappropriate

cover on it.

“I can’t think of anything else for this novel; I better ask Joe for some more help.”

After getting a bit more creativity into her, Katheleen was ready to celebrate the birthdays of her two daughters, Dawn and Bianca.

Bianca grew up to look a lot like her father. I don’t know if she even got a bit of her mother’s face into her.

As for Dawn, you can really tell that she’s a member of the Sanderson family. I still can’t believe that that nose has remained

on a sim every generation. It’s freakin’ adorable!

Okay, I wish I could make Dawn the heiress because she totally knows how to dress. But, alas, I need a male heir for this

generation. I’ll explain later… okay, I want to get alien technology out of the way, is that so bad?

Also, I wish she could be the heir because of the following event:

“My plan to lure the young Comb worked perfectly…”

“So, Joey, what do you want to do? We can play cops and robbers-“

“My dad doesn’t let me play that game. He says that it misrepresents how the real world functions.”

“Who’s your dad?”

“The head of the mafia. I think that he even gets money from your family because of how much everyone respects him.”

“That’s so cool. So you guys must have everything, right?”

“Well, we’re pretty much millionaires, but money doesn’t really matter. The importance of the mafia is about protection and family


“Right on, dude.”

“So if I, err…, ever wanted to be a criminal, I’d have to talk to your dad, right?”


“I’m so glad that I know you, Joey.”

Dawn continued to smile and play with Joey until he left for home…

“I can’t believe how stupid he is, giving away information like that. It isn’t right that we have to give away money to his family so they

follow my great-grandma’s laws. I’m going to knock he jerk dad down a few pegs no matter what it means.”

Cute and awesome! Could I ask for a better apocalypse kid?

Also, baby time!

“Why am I having all of these kids?”

“Beats me, sweetheart.”

And meet baby number 3, Kurt Sanderson. Kurt here is a boy and therefore the heir to the generation. He’s the only one named after

somebody famous. No, not Kurt Hummel from Glee. This kid is named after the legendary Kurt Cobain because he’s going to be lifting Music for us and getting alien pregnant. Kurt has a mixed

skin tone and his father’s hair and eyes. His personality is 6/5/8/3/3 making him mean, serious, athletic and neat.

Predictably, baby number 4 is made not long after Kurt’s birth.

Dawn continues her dream of overthrowing Joseph Comb by gaining logic skill points.

“I’m going to need to be smart in order to take him out.”

Sometimes I can’t tell if they can actually hear me or not.

Dawn manages to continue her amazing awesomeness by bringing home an A+ after only a couple of days in school. Okay, that’s

normal for sim kids, but this girl is a hard worker.

“Mom! Dad! Come and see this!”

Unfortunately, her parents had other things to attend to specifically another double birthday.

Kurt managed to go first and look super cute. I’m so glad that he’s going to be the heir :D

Bianca went next and, frankly, I think this outfit and hair combination do a good job at representing her future career. It

would be better if it were striped with a pirate hat, but you know, beggars can’t be choosers.

And the signs of pregnancy manage to show themselves once again for baby number 4.

The house remains somewhat boring with everyone either skilling, working out for no good reason or teaching skills to toddlers. Yup,

it’s just like a legacy.

“Oh, not again!”

And out popped a little girl who I named Fiona Sanderson. Fiona has her mother’s eyes and skin tone along with her father’s hair.

She has a personality of 7/5/8/3/2, making her mean, serious, active and neat like Kurt.

“Hold Fi for a second, Joe.”



And then there were two. Yes, I had my first set of twins in this apocalypse. Meet little Lawrence Sanderson. Basically the same as

Fiona, but with his father’s eyes. His personality is 10/3/1/2/10, making him the nicest of his fellow family members as well as the

laziest and the meekest. Oh joy.

Switching back to spare land, Christine met Marie Maaza and the two fell in love instantly.

Clark reunited with his own Christy…

…but she died upon move in.

Steven managed to have twin sons before it was his time to become an elder. They are…


… and Matthew Sanderson. Or the other way around. I really don’t remember. You’ll figure it out later.

Steven returned to his normal face.

And his wife gave birth to twin girls, Leslie and Shea. Now those two I can tell apart from each other.

Christine gave birth to Nicole Sanderson.

And then married Marie, who wasn’t happy about all the kids because she’s a romance sim.

There were more birthdays.

Leslie Sanderson

Nicole Sanderson

Shea Sanderson

And then Charles (left) and Matthew (right). I could only figure this one out based on a later picture.

And this leads us right up to that conversation between Katheleen and Nadia. I’m leaving you guys here because this update has been

long and silly. When it’s just me writing and I don’t converse with the characters, there won’t be much plot because there’s nothing

that I need to guide them with. Plot comes next, you’ll see.

So let’s recap on new characters:

Joe (Carr) SandersonFortune – LTW Forgotten6/5/8/3/3 - Athletic

Dawn SandersonPleasure – Have $100 0002/8/8/2/7 – Intended for Life of Crime

Bianca SandersonPopularity – LTW Forgotten10/10/9/3/1 – Intended for Adventure

Kurt Sanderson (heir)Knowledge – LTW Forgotten6/5/8/3/3 – Intended for Music

Fiona SandersonPopularity – Celebrity Chef7/5/8/3/2 – Intended for Journalism

Lawrence SandersonFamily – Celebrity Chef10/3/1/2/10 – Intended for Law Enforcement

Charles and Matthew SandersonPopularity and Romance8/7/6/7/7 and 10/1/5/7/8

Leslie and Shea SandersonKnowledge and Fortune4/4/4/7/10 and 10/3/6/2/6

Nicole SandersonFortune – 3/10/2/10/3

And the restrictions unlocked so far: Hopelessness, Law, Medical, Culinary, Politics, Slacker, Athletic, Military, and Education.

I’m almost finished the challenge people :DTill next time,Reginald!!!