The Wow Factory is a Kid-Friendly Health Zone! | Coconut Creek, FL


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The WOW Factory

The Wow Factory is a Kid-Friendly Health Zone!

Coconut Creek, FL

If your child has issues with weight and you’re looking for ways to help him or her cope, then this week’s blog is for you. Many people don’t know that places like the Wow Factory are incredible experiences for your child and are more health conscious. We decided to highlight some of the ways that our facility is healthy and fun. Ready, Set, Read on!

In an article found dating back from last year in Livestrong, the author describes how many calories an individual can lose jumping on a trampoline. For a thirty-minute workout, you can burn up to 167 calories. That’s good considering they're referring to adults. A child’s metabolism is faster. Your child could burn somewhere around 200 calories. We are calculating at 30-minute intervals so imagine how much is slimming down our kids at two hours.

When you see, kids sweating, you know that they’re getting some real exercise. All kids need to get their sweat on at least four times per week. Of course, while your children are burning calories they’re also gaining skills.

When playing any of our games from bowling to laser tag or climbing the rock wall, your kids are learning. They’re testing out their skills and challenging themselves which is a healthy way for anyone to learn. Motor skills such as hand to eye coordination are valuable tools for playing other sports and everyday life. Movies are terrific, but if you want a little more activity, the Wow Factory certainly has a lot to offer.

We try to weigh in on the side of caution when it comes to our menu. We have sensible meals and treats for you to serve your children. Items like our Black Bean and Chicken Quesadillas and our mini pretzel dogs are great ways to feast without putting on too many pounds. We want your child's experience at the Wow Factory to be the best it can. Health-driven best practices are just another way we thank our customers. We hope you enjoy as many visits to our venue as possible.

For my information on all of the calorie burning activities we have at The Wow Factory, visit our website at Connect with us on social media at: and
