theQuiz(); from Ampersand Commerce & Manchester Girl Geeks 20/6/2012



A geeky quiz for programmers and the like. Originally presented by Ampersand Commerce and Manchester Girl Geeks at AmpersandHQ in Manchester, UK on 20 June 2012.For details on the next quiz, please check here:

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Question 1

Find three ways to make the program below print 20 copies of the dash character '-' by changing or adding one character:

int i, n = 20; for (i = 0; i < n; i--) { printf("-"); }

(2 points)

Question 2

Encryption challenge.(see code page behind answer sheet)

Calculate the returned value for each number of the $inputData in turn to reveal an English message.

(2 points)

Question 3

What was the name of the chess-playing computer that beat world champion, Garry Kasparov?

Question 4

Which programming language was named after a 17th century French mathematician?

Question 5

What is the Linux mascot?


(1 extra point)

Question 6

What is the use of capitalisation in the name of theQuiz(); commonly called?

Question 7

What is a polygot in programming terms?

Question 8

 Which of the following languages can be used to write server side scripting in ASP.NET?

       a) C-sharp        b) VB        c) C++        d) a and b


Question 1

The streets of the Northern Quarter were transformed into 1940’s New York for what movie in 2010?

Question 2

MOSI and the Manchester Science Festival are celebrating the centenary of Alan Turing’s birth by organising the mass planting of sunflowers. This is because Turing had observed a mathematical sequence in the seeds of sunflowers. What is the sequence called?

Question 3

What was the name of the world's first commercially available general-purpose electronic computer, invented in Manchester and known in its sales literature as the Manchester Electronic Computer?

Question 4

Which chemist, physicist and meteorologist has a street named after him in Manchester City Centre, and a building at one of the universities?

Question 5

A Clockwork Orange, by Mancunian writer Anthony Burgess, mentions a number of fictional music groups. Which Sheffield synthpop band took their name from one of these fictional bands?

Question 6

Which Manchester landmark did Sony get in trouble for using without permission as the setting for a virtual shoot-out against invading aliens, in their 2007 PlayStation 3 game Resistance: Fall of Man?

Question 7

How many Starbucks are there within Manchester’s inner ring road?

a)  2 b) 5 c)  13 d) 20

Question 8

Which Mancunian physicist has a unit of energy named after him?

The Front-End

Question 1

 How should a quotation mark character be encoded in HTML?

(both correct methods will be accepted)

Question 2

The  WebKit  layout  engine  used  by  the  Google  Chrome  and  Apple  Safari  web  browsers,  began  development  as  a  fork  of  which  Linux-­‐based  HTML  engine?

Question 3

 What  is  the  correct  syntax  for  a  media  query  for  an  iPad  in  landscape  orientaIon?

Question 4

What  is  the  difference  between  comparison  operators  ==  and  ===  in  JavaScript?

Question 5

In  a  HTML  document,  where  is  the  correct  place  to  insert  JavaScript  code:

a)  In  the  head  of  the  document  (between  the  <head> and  </head> tags)

b)  In  the  body  of  the  document  (between  the  <body> and  </body> tags)

c)  Code  can  be  inserted  in  the  head  or  the  body  of  the  document.

Question 6

 According  to  sitepoint,  what  percentage  of  internet  users  were  using  ie7  in  march  2012?

a)  9.78% b)  15.56% c)  32.87% d)  50.12%

Question 7

 What  is  the  correct  syntax  for  creaIng  a  black  drop  shadow  with  a  horizontal  and  verIcal  offset  of  5px,  and  a  blur  radius  of  5px  for  firefox?

Question 8

Name  the  three  types  of  HTML  lists.

Famous Geeks & Stuff Geeks Like

Question 1

 In 1914, Thomas J Watson renamed the Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation (CTR) to what?

Question 2

Who created Perl in 1986?

Question 3

What does BOFH stand for?

Bonus (and clue):Where can you read all of the episodes?

(1 extra point)

Question 4

Name the artist who famously took stock instead of money for painting murals in the first Facebook headquarters?

Question 5

Name the Film:

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain”

Question 6

 Name the woman who in the 1840’s wrote what is recognised as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine?

Thanks to this, she is widely credited with being the first computer programmer.

Question 7

What was the name of the first computer to use a GUI that Steve Jobs named after his daughter?

a)  The Lucy b) The Liza c)  The Lisa d) The Mona

Question 8

In the TV series Futurama, what is the character Bender’s full name?


Question 1

What is the full name of P.E.T, the UX methodology used in ecommerce for conversion?

Question 2

Which of the following is not an ecommerce platform?

a) Magento b) Venda c)  osCommerce d) Drupal

Question 3

The term ‘Multi-channel Retailing’ refers to:

a) A store that sells more than 1 brand b) A store that has an online & offline

presence c)  A store that sells only through eBay

Question 4

Recently Google made a comical video, based in a grocery store, meant put an online checkout experience into a real life scenario.

What was the man buying?

Question 5

Which of these big high street brands do not yet have mobile friendly versions of their ecommerce sites?

a)  John Lewis b) Debenhams c)  Harvey Nichols d) Selfridges

Question 6

What is the name of TK Maxx in the USA?


Question 7

Most people think that choosing ‘Check out as a Guest’ is faster than registering for checkout.

What is the one additional form field that a registration process requires?

Question 8

In the recent airing of a fly-on-wall-documentary by Channel 4, ‘More Sex Please, We’re British’ which online retailer had to struggle under the weight of one order every 3 seconds while the show was airing?

And the winner is...