Trump vs Clinton Round 2


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PowerPoint Show by Andrew

Donald's Great Escape: Trump keeps his campaign alive with barnstorming comeback after confronting Hillary with four Clinton 'sex victims' - and she FAILS to nail him over sleazy tape scandal.

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton greets Melania Trump before the start of the second U.S. presidential debate.

Donald Trump's children at the start of the second Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis.

Ivanka Trump at the start of the second Presidential Debate on Sunday night at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Former president Bill Clinton waits for the start of the second presidential debate in St Louis, Missouri, on Sunday night.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Clinton appear on the debate stage as the audience claps during the town hall event on Sunday night.

Donald Trump smiles at Hillary Clinton as the two walked onto the stage at the start of the debate.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton stand together prior to the second debate.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton take the stage at the start of their presidential town hall debate.

The first question of the debate was expected to focus on lewd remarks revealed Friday in an 11-year-old audiotape of Trump. But it was milder, asking Clinton about the overall tone of the 2016 campaigns.

Donald Trump smiles as he listens while Hillary Clinton speaks during Sunday's second presidential debate.

Donald Trump stands and points his finger at Hillary Clinton as he speaks during the second presidential debate on Sunday.

Hillary Clinton takes notes during the second presidential debate.

Hillary Clinton looks on during the second presidential debate at Washington University.

Republican nominee Donald Trump interrupts Hillary Clinton as she answers a question during the second presidential debate.

Donald Trump (left) is pictured speaking during Sunday's debate, while Hillary Clinton leans on a chair.

Bill Clinton was repeatedly the focus of the debate as Donald Trump raised allegations he was an abuser of women.

Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton during the second Presidential Debate at Washington University.

At times Bill Clinton's face suggested he was not happy with his own alleged crimes and misdemeanors being raised in the debate.

Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathy Shelton were seated close to Bill Clinton for the debate and arrived just minutes after publicly accusing him of sexual attacks and his wife of abusing women.

Donald Trump glares at Hillary Clinton as she speaks.

Members of the stage audience look on as Hillary Clinton speaks to them and answers a question.

Hillary Clinton on stage during the second debate as Donald Trump frowns.

Donald Trump holds a finger in the air while on stage during the second presidential debate in St. Louis.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton speak to each other at the end of Sunday's debate.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton shakes hands at the end of the second presidential debate in St Louis, Missouri, on Sunday.

After the debate, Donald Trump discussed with his daughter Ivanka, his wife Melania and his daughter in law Lara (left).

Melania Trump after the debate.

Donald Trump kisses his daughter Ivanka as his son Donald Trump Jr. watches after the second presidential debate.

Bill Clinton appeared pensive after the debate.
