Unit 1 –done justas




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Justas Vaikasas

PowerPoint Game - Principles of Communication

General communication skills

These include cultural difference between people and their own country language such as: If you talk with people form the other country it could any background you have to be polite and understand people what is saying . Also you need to make eye contact with person you are talking with .

Do you need to have cultural knowledge between talking and meeting people ? Yes , NO

General Communication skills

Do you need to have good technical knowledge working in IT department ?

Yes NO

General communication skills

Do you need to adapt accuracy when you are in work placement ?

Yes , NO

Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are skills used most at work placement . You need to use these skills everywhere you go such as: Confidence , organisational skills , good knowledge of computers and good communication skills.

Do you need to use these skills in a workplace?

Yes , NO

Interpersonal skills

Do you need to use these skills (Confidence , organisational skills , good knowledge of computers and good communication skills) everywhere you go with such as: Friends or family?

Yes NO

Interpersonal skills

Do you need to be able to lip read in work ?

Yes No

Interpersonal skills

Do you need to have or use negative language in work ?

Yes NO

Interpersonal skills

Do you need to avoid background noise while working with computer in class or workplace ?

Yes NO

Communication skills

Communicate in writing is when you need to have good English skills while talking with your job mates ( writing reports or documents ) and communication skills while communicate with each other using language.

Do you need to use these methods at work ?

Yes NO

Communicate in talking

Do you need to talk clearly at work such as explaining things ?

Yes NO

Communication in writing

Do you need to have good writing skills in work placement ?

Yes NO

Communication in writingDo you need to proofread your work before handing in or showing to work manager in work placement ?

Yes NO

Communication in writingWhile writing any works , do you need to use grammar , spelling , structure , punctuation ?

Yes NO

Wrong Answer

Better luck next time